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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 280

#Chapter 280 – Trouble


“Took you long enough,” I call out when he finally appears. I’m seated on that copy of our bed in the starlit woods. It feels like hours have passed for me, but there’s no way to really know. Time works different here. It was probably just minutes, and my wanting him so badly that made it feel , longer.

“Really,” Sinclair murmurs, his eyes sweeping over me as I sit perched before him, wearing a dark- blue negligee that mirrors the white one I wore the first time we met in this dream state. I toss my hair over my shoulders, letting him smell the arousal on me, letting him know what it is that I want.

He prowls towards me, dressed only in his familiar black dress pants, but with no shirt to block my view of his chiseled abs, the swell of his muscular chest. I feel my mouth go a little dry as I look at him, letting myself want him. He stops at the edge of the bed, towering over me, my heart starting to pound behind my ribcage.

“And here I thought I was going to get a peaceful night’s sleep tonight,” he murmurs, his eyes lingering on the swell of my breasts against the silk of my lingerie.

“Oh,” I reply, raising my eyebrows and pretending to be innocently surprised. I shrug. “Well, if that’s what you want,” I lower myself backwards to lean on my elbows, laying my body out before him and nodding at the space next to me. “Please, make yourself comfortable. I won’t bother you while you nap.”

“Liar,” he smirks, his eyes flashing as he crawls over the bed so that he looms over me. “I know you, trouble. You won’t be able to keep your hands off me.”

“Oh?” I ask, blinking innocently. “Want to see me try?”

“No,” he growls, grabbing me by the neck and pulling my face forward to his. “No, I don’t want that at all.” Then, with aching slowness, he lays his body inch by inch on top of mine. I let my head fall back, my skin singing at the touch of his. So much of this is a repeat of what we were doing just a little bit ago, but the innocence, the restraint, is gone. The feeling of him pressed against me makes me loose with desire, the weight of his body on mine making me moan with wanting him.” There, good girl,” he murmurs against my neck. “That’s what I want. Moan for me.”

My breath starts to come short as I stroke my hands down the hard swell of the muscles of his back, pressing him tighter against me. I can feel the length of him hard and ready, pressed between my legs. I shift my hips, eliciting a growl from him as I grind slowly against that hardness. I press harder, liking the sound, making him want me as much as I want him. I feel myself growing wetter, my body desperate for the feel of him inside me.

“Slow down, trouble,” Sinclair rumbles, pulling his face back to look me in the eye.

“Why,” I ask. Sinclair never stops what could be

I freeze, panic slicing through me, making my eyes fly wide. “Wait, do you think it’s….is it bad? Is it dangerous for the baby? Should we…”

“It’s fine,” he assures me, his eyes gentle as he shakes his head. I take a deep and shuddering breath, relaxing against him. I hadn’t even thought hadn’t thought to consider –

“It’s all right, little mate,” he whispers to me, pressing a soft kiss to my mating mark, making me shiver. “As real as this all feels, it’s all in your mind. Your body is resting, peacefully asleep. What we do here doesn’t affect your physical being.”

“Okay,” I whisper, running my hands through his hair.

“I just wanted you to slow down,” he continues, kissing my clavicle and then moving lower to press a kiss between my breasts. “So that I could make sure I get to taste as much of you as I want to before I let you have me.”

“Let me have you?” I laugh, gasping a little as he licks a broad stroke up the center of my belly.” As if I couldn’t take you whenever oh…” my head falls back though as he silences me with his mouth, placing it right where I’d want it to go.

I groan as Sinclair slowly licks me, dragging his tongue over my clit, torturing me with its softness, his languorous pace. He gives me a low little laugh, pressing my hips back down when they buck instinctually towards him, urging him forward, begging for more, more. He continues at his torturous pace until I’m panting for him, my eyes pressed shut.

“Go on, Ella,” he urges, pulling his tongue away for just a moment and making me want to scream.” Beg me.”

“Please,” I moan, fisting the sheets in my hand.


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