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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 314

#Chapter 314 Ether Confessions 


I really must insist,Leon says awkwardly, looking around at the packed guest bedroom, that we thin the crowd. Just a bit.” 

Well, I’m not leaving,I say, stepping forward and bouncing Rafe in my arms as I look down at my sister laying on the bed. Cora is awkward and uncomfortable as she looks around at the collection of investigators, at Roger, at me, Rafe, and Sinclair, all standing around her. Leon sits primly squeezed into a chair at her side

Perhapsthe child?Leon suggests and I sigh, realizing that he’s right. I turn to Sinclair, my eyes pleading

Can you?I ask

Sinclair blanches at me. Ella I have to be here to hear this 


Please,I say, stepping towards him. Maybe we can….like, is there a way to make a video feed? Or sound? So you can hear in another room?” 

Leon’s eyebrows go up. “That would work,he says, looking at Sinclair, who nods firmly, reaching out for Rafe

I owe you,I whisper to him, standing on my toes to give him a kiss on the cheek and handing the baby to him. “I can’t leave her.” 

I understand,Sinclair murmurs back, I’ll send someone up with AV equipment in a few minutes.He brushes my cheek with his thumb before signaling to the investigators to leave the room with him. I turn back to my sister and then blink when I see Roger still standing in the 

corner, his arms crossed

What are you still doing here?I ask, surprised

Roger just stares at me for a moment, apparently appalled that I would ask. I’m the lead investigator on this, Ella!he informs me, frustrated, throwing out an explanatory hand. I need to be here! To ask questions! To guide the investigation!” 

Ooooookay!I say, putting my hands up placatingly. I just didn’t know lead investigators were usually so pissy.” 

Pissy!Roger gasps, leaning forward to me, aghast. Ella, I ” 

Roger,Leon says, holding up a hand towards him. We need a calm environment for this to work, and your level of agitation isnonconducive.” 

Roger stares at Leon, his mouth open, shocked to have been put in his place so politely

Yeah,Cora says, grinning at Roger and wrinkling her nose at him. So, in other words, stop being so pissy.” 

Roger stares between us for a moment and then leans back against the wall with his eyes closed, taking a deep breath and raising a hand to press the bridge of his nose between his fingers.Sistershe mutters, I am never again spending any time at all withsisters.” 

A younger member of Sinclair’s team enters quietly then, nodding to me and beginning to set up a computer and a microphone on Cora’s far side. He works quickly while Roger composes himself 

and Leon prepares the ether shot. I sit down on the end of the bed, putting a hand on Cora’s ankle 

the only thing near enough for me to touch and mouth thank youto her

She sighs and leans her head back on the pillow, nodding to me and accepting her fate

Now Cora,Leon says, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder that makes her flinch.

grimace, knowing how tense she is about this. I know that you’re aware of some of Ella’s 

experiences with hypnosis, but everyone’s journeys are a little different. I’m going to give you the 

shot, and then I’ll guide you back to your memories of that day. You’ll hear my voice, and then

when you’ve accessed your memories, Roger will join me in asking you some questions. Is that all 


Can I stop whenever I want?Cora asks, looking anxiously up at the doctor. “If I get….scared?” 

Yes,the doctor assures her, tightening his hand a little on her shoulder. The antidote is right 

here. We will stop whenever you’d like. And if you’d like to give permission to your sister as well

we can stop whenever she gives the word as well, if she sees that you are in distress. Would you 

like to give your sister permission for that?” 

Cora nods eagerly and looks at me for confirmation. I slowly bob my head, letting her know that 

I’ve got her back, as I always do

All right then,Leon says, smiling around at Cora and Roger and me. Then let’s get this started

nice and easy.” 

Cora exhales a deep breath and closes her eyes again. She doesn’t flinch at all as Leon presses the 



I see Cora’s eyes start to flicker, though, a little behind her eyelids as the ether takes over and she 

quickly enters a dreamy halfawake state. I watch her, curious, wondering if I looked the same 

under Leon’s care. His eyes also on Cora, Roger comes and sits next to me on the bed, wanting to be 

closer to the action. I give him a warm little nudge of my shoulder, both in welcome and apology 

for teasing him a few minutes earlier. I’m glad he’s here

Hello Cora,Leon says quietly after a few minutes. How are you feeling?” 

I’m just fine,she says, a peaceful smile on her face

Where are you?he asks

I’m at my apartment,Cora replies, her voice carefree. I blink, surprised. This is indeed different 

than my own hypnotic states

Ah,Leon says, nodding and taking a little notepad out of the bag at his side, starting to write

little. And is this a happy place for you?” 

Cora shrugs and makes a noncommittal noise. Eh. I’d rather be at work.” 

Do you like work, Cora?” 

I see my sister nod and smile, my heart warming to see her happiness. I like to be helpful,she 

says, her voice breezy. And busy.” 

That is lovely, Cora. Why don’t you go to work now, and tell me when you’re there.There’s

pause and then Cora nods. Leon continues. What day is it, Cora?he asks, his voice gentle

It’s today,she says, almost as if Leon is stupid for asking. “Duh.I bite my lip to hold back a little 


Well today is very dull isn’t it,Leon says, his voice peaceful, soothing, and persuasive. Let’s go 

back a little bit in time. To that day, a few months ago, when your sister came to you and you 

helped her conceive her little baby. Can you go there?” 

Cora inhales a deep, peaceful breath and then a few moments later exhales it. All right,she says


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