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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 329

#Chapter 329 Missing 


Where is she,Roger growls, pacing through our living room as Ella sit on the couch feeding 


Rafe, watching him anxiously. I’ve been everywhere looking for her at the clinic, at her 

apartment ” 

You must have just missed her, Roger,Ella says, as worried as he us but wanting to calm him 

down. She calls me every morning and night to fill me in. It sounds like she’s just super busy at 


the clinic it got very overwhelmed when she disappeared with us for a few days.” 

He’s keeping her there,Roger murmurs suspiciously, his anxiety really doing a number on him

She broke up with him, and he pretended to accept it, but he’s keeping her trapped in the clinic 

so she’ll agree to give him another shot ” 

You know she’s not doing that, Roger,I say, leaning against the fireplace mantle and taking

deep breath. Honestly, I don’t want to be in here handling my brother’s paranoia, but Ella sent me 

a little shout down the bond letting me know that she needed some help. He’s been worked up for 

days, of course, but really seems to be going off the deep end now. Not that I wouldn’t be too

honestly, if I was freshly mated to Ella and then she disappeared for five days

How do you know,Roger snaps at me, his eyes flashing with rage. 

Because,I reply, my wolf responding to the challenge in his voice by raising his hackles.

know Cora. She wouldn’t do that. You have to trust her.I stand up straight, my body language 

communicating to Roger that I can take him, and if he needs someone to pin him to the floor, that 

I’ll do it. After all, my mate and my infant child are in this room. If he flips outtheir safety is my 

priority. Not his

He’s right, Roger,Ella says, trying to keep her voice even. Honestly, she sounds fine, she’s just 

really busy. She told me totell you she loves you.” 

But why won’t she pick up my calls?Roger snaps, spinning on her, why, when I go to the clinic 

to see her, is she conveniently not there? Why is she never in her apartment when she says she 


Instinctually, I take a step forward, interposing my body between my mate and 

my mate and my brother

Oh back off, Dominic,Roger growls, forcing himself to turn away and stalk to the window, looking for Cora, hoping she’ll magically appear in the driveway. I’m not going to hurt anyone.” 

You’d better not,I murmur, leaning back against the mantle

I’m going to take Rafe upstairs,Ella sighs, nodding to the baby, who has finished eating. See if

can get him down for a nap.” 

I nod to her, watching her carry our little boy out of the room, my heart surging with love for 

them. When they’re gone, I turn my attention back to my brother

I need you to come back, Roger,I say, my voice soft. We need you here.” 

How,he growls, digging his fingers into the windowsill and not turning towards me. How can

concentrate on anything when she hasn’t talked to me for days. And I don’t even know what I did 


Well,I say after a long pause, considering. Did you do anything wrong?” 

What?Rodger spits, spinning on me

It’s just a question, Roger,I say, shrugging and meeting his furious eyes. Did you do something 

to make her question your mating?” 

NO, Dominic!he shouts. I didn’t do anything!” 

Well, then there’s your answer,I reply with a little shrug. If you didn’t do anything, then it’s all 

with her. And your only choice is to keep reaching out, and wait for her to come to you when she’s 

ready. There’s literally nothing you can do now except be patient.” 

You’re ridiculous,he snarls, turning away from me again, desperate

You just don’t like the truth,I reply, sighing. Because my answer wasn’t go rip the world apart 

until you find her, and then sling her over your shoulder so you can more easily carry her home.” 

Well, yeah,Roger replies, arrogant and angry. Obviously that’s what I would do, if I even knew 

where she was.” 

I laugh and move over to him, putting a hand on his shoulder that makes him jump a little bit

But I don’t move away I’m bigger than he is, anyway. I can take what he throws at me

Trust her, Roger,I say quietly. She’ll thank you for it, in the end, if you approach this with faith 

instead of suspicion. And in the meantime, let me distract you.” 

You just want me to work harder on this cult problem,he sighs, closing his eyes and hanging 

his head, giving into my advice a little bit

Just think of it as a puzzle,I say, slipping my arm around his shoulder and giving him

steadying little squeeze, and when you finish it, your reward is that my son doesn’t get 

kidnapped! Isn’t that a great prize?” 

Fine,he sighs, shaking his head and covering his eyes with his hand. But you get maybe three 

hours of this,he continues, before I’m out there looking for her again.” 

Okay,I reply, nodding and lying through my teeth. Because there’s no way I’m letting him 

prowl the streets looking for Cora when he’s like this. He’ll completely freak her out, and it sounds 

like she’s spooked already. So I turn him, my arm still around his shoulders, towards the door and 

we head to the office to sort through the evidence we’ve sorted through a thousand times

We spend hours doing this, wearing ourselves out looking for loopholes that we haven’t explored 

before, calling our interrogative team together to better speculate about the possibilities, when 

suddenly, the front door to the house slams open

Roger is instantly on his feet and moving towards the door, only one person clear on his mind 

But I’m more wary, more aware of the possibilities and my muscles bunch as I sprint to get in 

front of him, pushing behind me as we reach the office door together so that I can get into the hall 

first, just in case it’s a threat – 


My eyes go dark as I see my reconnaissance team forcing their way in, a blackrobed figure trapped in their arms with a sack over his head. I think several things at once, the first being that 

they would never, ever come through the first door if they didn’t have to 

And second, that they barely have a hold on him

Roger!I shout, my voice deep with the Alpha’s command. The door! NOW!” 

He realizes instantly that it’s not Cora, but he responds ably, seeing the importance of the moment. Roger sprints past the struggling reconnaissance team to slam the door shut behind them while I stride forward, pushing one of my men aside and slipping behind the priest’s back

wrapping an arm around his throat and cutting off his air so he can’t breathe


The priest, who cannot see anything at all, struggles hard against me and even though he’s a small man he must have some magic working on his side to be able to resist me so well. Still, he’s no match for me, and I get one of his hands twisted up behind his back, yanking it so that he 


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