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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 345

Chapter 345 Counter Moves


Cora breaks the tension between Ella and I, but unfortunately not in a way that benefits me.

“I agree,” she says, standing next to her sister, her eyes locked on Roger’s. I sigh inwardly, my wolf grumbling with discontent, as I realize that Roger’s warning at the start of this meeting was quite apt. Each on their own is willful, but together they’re a disruptive force.

“It’s too dangerous,” Cora continues, shaking her head, “we don’t know enough about this magic to send anyone in like this – people could be seriously hurt.”

She says “people” but I know, of course, that she really only means Roger and maybe me. Cora is not cold she cares about the other team members, but as a newly-mated newly- pregnant woman, I imagine that her main concern is, at this point, quite narrow.

“We have to press the advantage when we can, Cora,” Roger explains, angry but wanting her to understand. “Time is not on our side -” Cora opens her mouth to argue but I interrupt.

“Enough,” I snap, glaring at her and at Ella. Sit, I command Ella firmly, mind to mind. Her eyes flare at the authority in my voice, both audible and internal, but slowly I shake my head at her, communicating as cooly as I can that this is not the time to press me.

I see their concern – I share it, honestly – but this is not the time for me to back down in front of my men. I hold her gaze steadily, not relenting, and slowly Ella sits herself back into her seat. Seeing her back off, Cora hesitates but then does the same.

The tight muscle of Ella’s jaw lets me know that this fight is not over, even if she has consented to sit and, as she settles back in the chair, I give her a deep nod, letting her know that I will hear her. Just Not Now.

Then, I turn back to my men, moving on as if it didn’t happen.

“And where do we plan to strike?” Roger asks, his voice tight but likewise working to get back to business. He looks down at the paperwork our father provided and, I think, figures it out based on the few maps that my father has placed on the table.

“The sewer,” dad says, pointing at some underground schematics of the city which indicate where, precisely, entrances and exits were built for workers and maintenance in the sewer system. “The priest we lost yesterday set up significant shop down there and it’s likely that he cannot operate

without some of the materials he left. If we want to capture him again – and, I propose that that is our best move forward then our best shot is to start there. Best case scenario he is still there, gathering the significant number of supplies he left, which will take a long time to move out. Worst, we can begin to learn his practices and his scent.”

“Good,” I agree, nodding. “Any opposing suggestions for how to proceed?” I ask, looking at my oldest and most established men to see if there are any other ideas. I deliberately do not look at Ella and Cora. But no one says a wood.

“It’s decided then,” I say, standing and crossing my arms over my chest, looking to the side at my brother. ” Roger and I will pick a team and take lead. We’ll give word when we are ready.”

I decidedly refuse to look at Ella and Cora as the men filter out of the room, some coming to have a quick word with me before moving on to their individual team tasks which they already know they must take up. Some move to check the armory and prepare the assault, others gather to discuss the best way to approach the sewers, and still more move to another room to prepare to select members of the team. Those, I know, are the ones who I will be joining in a few minutes.

But before that…

My father gathers up the papers in front of him and tucks him into the side pocket of his wheelchair before looking up at me, giving me a wry little smile. “I’ll see you two in a few minutes?” he asks..

“We’re coming now, dad,” Roger growls, turning away from the last of the men and towards the two of us.

“No, you’re not,” dad replies cheerfully, beginning to spin his chair away. “You boys know that I miss your mother but…” he laughs a little as he begins to roll towards the door. “Not quite as much, in moments like this.”

Dad gives us a little wave and rolls through the door next to which Cora and Ella stand, my baby boy still sleeping happily in my mate’s arms. As soon as dad rolls out with the last of the men, Ella shuts the door and turns to renew her glare.

I fold my arms over my chest again, glaring back, ready to renew our stalemate but Roger interrupts, walking quickly to Cora’s side.


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