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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 351

Chapter 351 – New Plans


Roger gives a rough, sarcastic little laugh. “Jealousy? Jealousy? Cora, this has nothing to do with jealousy-

“Then what is it?” I ask, confused.” Honestly, Roger – if it’s not jealousy, then what else is your reason for not wanting Hank here to take over for me, and treat these men when I need to rest?” And Roger goes still, at a loss for words, because…

Ella starts to laugh suddenly, and then slaps a hand over her mouth. Roger growls and glares at her, but she just shakes her head in apology, still unable to help it.

“He’s not jealous,” I say to Ella defensively, choosing allegiance over truth and working hard to keep a smile off my face as I stand close to my man and slip an arm around his waist. Because I’m little pleased, honestly, to see Roger want me all to himself, to be protective enough that he doesn’t want Hank anywhere near me. “He’s just…” and I hesitate, smiling up at Roger, shaking my head because I don’t know what to say.

“What I am is done with the two of you,” Roger growls, peeling his arm from around my waist and glaring at the two of us. “Sisters,” he scoffs, and then points a finger between us. “I’ll stay up treating these men all damn night myself, if that’s what it takes,” he continues. “But no Hank in the bunker. Are we clear?”

“Yes, baby,” I murmur, moving close to him again and laughing a little as I wrap my arms around him again.” Whatever you say.”

“Damn right, whatever I say,” Roger mutters, his feathers still a little ruffled. And then, after a minute, he whispers to me again. “We’ll send them out,” he says, “as soon as Sinclair wakes up. The ones you want to have further treatment? I won’t stop them from getting it, just because I…don’t want him here.”

“Okay,” I whisper, resting my head against my mate’s chest and smiling softly. “That’s a good plan.”


We worked for hours more, to the point where I think that Cora was falling asleep on her feet. But I couldn’t leave her didn’t want to let the entire burden of healing all of the men who went on the mission on her shoulders.

We did send three out – Sinclair contacted Hank and arranged for the worst hurt to be transferred to the hospital once Cora got them stable enough to go, but there was still an incredible amount of work to do after that changing bandages, checking vitals, ensuring that everyone was fed and had water. We’re lucky, really, that Sinclair foresaw this as a possibility and had the bunker stocked and ready with a great deal of medical supplies.

Eventually, it was Roger and Sinclair who told us to stop. I was leaning over a sleeping patient, trying to see if he was healing, when suddenly I felt a warm hand on my hip. I didn’t jump – either because I had no more energy for it or because I knew who it was. I don’t know which.

“Enough, Ella,” came Sinclair’s rumbling voice, and I turned to look up into his face, and then peer down at our baby curled against his chest. Rafe was awake, blinking at me with his sweet eyes.

“Hey baby,” I murmured, reaching for my boy, and my mate passed Rafe to me easily before guiding me towards the door of the room. “But – ” I said, looking over my shoulder for Cora – not wanting to leave her – but I saw Roger having a small conversation with her, his hands on her shoulders, convincing her, too, that it’s time for bed.

“It’s all right,” I heard a voice call, and I turned, surprised, to see Henry at the door. “I’ll stay up.”

“But you’ve been up all day,” I murmured as Sinclair and I crossed to him.

“I’m an old man, Ella,” Henry said, smiling up at me and quirking his fingers so that I understood that he wanted like me to bend down so that he can see the baby. As I obliged him, Henry continued. “What time I have

left in this world, I’d like to spend awake anyway. I don’t want to miss anything.” He brushed Rafe’s cheek softly before smiling at me again. “Go to sleep – I’ll wake you if anything happens and we need you.”

“All right,” I said, standing up straight and heaving a huge yawn. We started to pass through the door but Henry called after us. “Sleep well,” he said, “but in the morning…we have to talk.”

I hesitate, wanting to go back, wanting to ask why, but Sinclair put a firm hand on my shoulder. “Talk tomorrow,” he says, exhausted. ” Tonight? Sleep.”


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