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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 359

#Chapter 359 – Careful, Trouble


Everyone’s head snaps up and towards the door as we hear the footsteps pounding down the hall towards the closed door of the conference room. I can feel the aggression fill the air – almost smell it, even as all around me hackles raise and teeth are bared at the sudden noise at what sounds like an assailant –

Next to me, Roger begins to raise from his seat, his eyes fixed on the door, ready to attack whatever comes through –

But instantly I grab his collar, shoving him back down into his seat. “Down!” I order, my voice ringing out with Alpha command, and heads instantly turn to me, obedient but confused-

But I just shake my head a little bit, my eyes fixed on the door. Because I know those footsteps, know their cadence. Only Ella would barrel heedlessly towards a room of wary male wolves who can’t see or smell their attacker –

But I barely have time to heave half a sigh before she bursts through the door, shouting “Dominic!”

Everyone in the room jumps to the feet, but I’m already halfway across the room to her, grabbing her out of the air as she leaps up at me, catching her in my arms and turning to snarl at my men, warning them to contain themselves –

But Ella, true to form, doesn’t even notice the fact that she scared the hell out of all of us that she almost got herself torn to ribbons –

Instead, she barrels heedlessly forth in her excitement. “Dominic!” she says again, laughing, grabbing my face in her hands and turning it towards her. “It’s a miracle! I did it! You have to come and see! I’m going to do it again! I’m going to fix them all!”

“Ella,” I growl, patting down my own Alpha instincts and trying, simultaneously, to listen to her and look towards my men to ensure that no one is doing anything stupid in their panic –

“Come on!” she says, wiggling wildly in her struggle to get out of my arms. You have to come and see! Bring the baby! We’ll show him too!”

“What?” I ask, turning my attention back to her once I’ve assessed that my men are not on the edge of an attack, despite her heedless burst into the room. “What are you talking about?”

“Put me down!” she orders, laughing and still struggling in my arms. I blink, trying to process what’s happening, but I obey, putting her back down on her feet. She instantly dashes away to where Rafe is sleeping in his carrier on the floor, grabbing it by the handle and then running back to me, snatching up my hand and working to pull me along with her.

“Come on!” she calls again, her glee and energy infectious despite the fact that she hadn’t even looked around the room to see if she’s disturbed us, let alone figured out how much –

I glance at Roger and my dad to see them laughing a little and shaking their heads, and then I sigh and let Ella pull me from the room, figuring that the risk is gone and she is clearly not going to let whatever this is rest until she tells me what she’s discovered-

“Ella,” I say as she pulls me out of the room, leaning back a little to put my weight in my heels to slow her. “Where are we going what happened?”

“I did it!” she says, looking over her shoulder at me gleefully and pulling harder at my hand. “You have to come and see! It’s amazing!”

“Ella!” I say again, harsher now, stopping completely but not letting go of her hand so that she’s obliged, against her will, to turn back and frown at me. “Slow down for a second! Just explain! Please!”

And, seeing my real confusion, Ella shakes her head, laughs again, and then turns fully to me to explain. “Cora had an idea!” she says. “Actually, Hank did! But that’s not important!”


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