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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 364

#Chapter 364 – Trouble, Trouble, Trouble


Cora and I stand silently in the garage of the bunker, watching our mates pack their cars in preparation for their assault. Rafe is in my arms, fussing unhappily, and Henry has rolled his chair up on Cora’s other side, likewise watching tensely.

“It will be finished tonight,” Henry says, nodding confidently. “I know it. The boys will finish this.”

“I hope you are right, Henry,” I sigh. “I don’t know how much longer I can keep sending him off like this.”

Henry looks up at me, sympathy in his eyes, but I can’t return his gaze – I’m too overwhelmed. Instead, I look down at my little red baby, who is now crying unhappily in my arms.

Minutes – I know we’ve got minutes left until Roger and Sinclair leave. And I can barely take it.

“Come here, mini trouble,” Sinclair murmurs, and I jump a little as I realize that he’s close to me now, reaching out for the baby. I was too lost in my thoughts. I look up at my mate, my eyes filled with tears, and silently hand over the baby in to his waiting arms.

He doesn’t turn his attention to Rafe, though, instead putting out his other arm to wrap around me. I rest my head against his chest, looking away from him. But my eyes just fall on Cora and Roger, saying their own goodbyes next to me, and I can’t take that either.

So I turn my head in the other direction, pressing my eyes shut.

“It will be okay, Ella,” Sinclair whispers to me, the baby going quiet in his arms, as he always does, “I promise you, it will be okay.”

“I know you’ll do everything you can, Dominic,” I whisper. “I trust you – it’s just the rest of the world, and what it has in store, that I can’t trust.”

He nods, understanding, and then presses a kiss to my hair, pulling away too soon.

“No,” I gasp, wrapping my hand around the strap of his bullet-proof vest and keeping him close.

“Ella,” he murmurs, turning my face up to him with a touch of his fingers beneath y chin. And I stare up at him, my my beautiful, tender, ferocious mate. I’m coming back to you. Tonight. And then we’ll have peace.”

“You’d better,” I growl, narrowing my eyes at him. “Or I am going to be very mean to your ghost.”

Sinclair laughs at this, shaking his head and passing the baby back to me. Then he presses a kiss to my mouth, tells me he loves me, and turns towards his car. Cora moves close to me next, slipping her hand around my elbow with a big sigh.

“This is it, Ella,” she says. “The big push. After this, we’ll have peace.”

“I feel like I’ve been hearing that a lot, Cora,” I say as I turn to look at her, my bad spirits getting the best of me for just a moment.

“Well,” she says, her lips twitching a little towards a smile as she holds the hope for both of us. “At some point, it’s got to be right.”

And together, we watch our mates and their team pull out of the garage and drive away. Predictably, things are simultaneously boring and tense once the boys are gone.

“What should we do?” Cora asks as the three of us file into the little kitchen and sink down around the table. The bunker isn’t totally quiet – there’s still a good number of people left here.

Mostly those persons who are still too ill to join the assault team, or those members whose skills lie more in research than in war.


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