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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 378

#Chapter 378 – Rebuild Ella

“Hey, handsome,” I say again, in the real world this time. A little smirk pulls on my lips as Sinclair’s eyes flutter open. We’re laying pressed quite close together in the little hospital bed, so I can see every twitch of his eyelash as he begins to focus on me.

He doesn’t say anything at first, just stares at me while he takes a couple of deep breaths. And then, quite slowly, he lifts a hand close to my face, sliding the knuckle of his index finger slowly down the length of my cheek. “Hey, trouble,” he murmurs, his voice scratchy after so many days of disuse.

I burst into a happy grin, so thrilled to see him awake and aware that I can barely contain myself. But I force myself to stay still, to not grab him, to…. let him get used to consciousness again in his battered body..

“Rafe?” he asks, his eyes worried as his memories of his last conscious moments come back to him.

“He’s fine,” I say softly, gesturing with my chin behind my mate, hoping that he understands that the baby is here in the room with us, asleep. “He missed you,” I whisper. “He doesn’t like it when he doesn’t have his dad around to hold him.” I wrinkle my nose and playfully glare at my mate. “He likes you better.”

A little laugh shudders from Sinclair’s mouth. “Does not,” he murmurs, staring at me steadily, as if he can’t get enough of the sight of my face. “You feed him, and sing to him. When you leave the room, he looks for you.”

“Really?” I ask, surprised and pleased. I hadn’t known this before.

“Well, he’s not alone,” Sinclair smirks, shifting forward to press his forehead against mine, a gesture that makes me grin with pleasure, joy pulsing through me at a ridiculous rate to have him back. “You’re the center of the world, Ella. We all turn to you.”

“Good,” I sigh, content. “I like all my boys obsessed with me. Makes it easier to boss you around.”

Sinclair chuckles a little and then pulls back a bit, frowning. I sigh again, but in resignation this time because I know our little stolen moment of peace is over that he needs to know about the world and what’s happened since he’s been gone from it.

“The priestess?” he asks.

“Dead,” I say solemnly. “Roger killed her the moment after you knocked her down.”

“And Rafe is…”

“He’s totally fine,” I say, unable to keep the little smile from my mouth. ” Though I want to hear more about how you caught him in the air with your teeth and didn’t leave a mark on him, Dominic – ”

“Dad skills,” he says with a smug shrug that makes me laugh again. little

But then he continues. “Cora? Dad?”

“They’re both okay,” I say, raising my eyebrows with the pleased memory of using the gift on Cora, patching her up, and then the slightly worse memory of Henry arriving at the clinic, terribly battered needing quite a bite of care.

“It’s a long story,” I say with a sigh, but they’re both fine now. And so are you, by the way,” I add, giving him a little push on the shoulder, wondering why his own health is the last that he asked about. “Seriously? Not curious at all about what’s going on with you?”

“Well, I think I knew that,” he murmurs, rolling his shoulders a little experimentally and glancing down at himself, or at least as much as he can see tucked into the tiny bed with me. I’m not in pain anymore…”

“But you were asleep for three whole days, Dominic.”

“Really?” he asks, raising his eyebrows in surprise. “But you…healed me? With the gift?”

“Yeah,” I say quietly, watching him carefully. “I patched you up almost immediately when we got to you, and then Hank and Roger helped me get you inside – you’re very heavy -“I inform him, giving him a little glare that makes him laugh.

“So why was I asleep?” my mate asks me, smiling a little now.

“Apparently I can fix you up,” I say, ” but I can’t make new blood, or restore lost energy.” I pause here, letting the worry of the past three days creep my face a little. “It was really bad, Dominic. If I hadn’t been there, if I had …if my gift had still been bound…” into

He shakes his head then and pulls me close so that my body is as flush against his as it can be, my head tucked neatly under his chin. “You saved me, Ella,” he sighs into my hair. “I can…never thank you. I’m so grateful. You’re a miracle.”


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