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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 431

#Chapter 431- Plans in Motion


“So you two,” Cora says, flicking her gaze between Roger and Sinclair, ” you’re all right now? After fifteen minutes, it’s all cleared up?”

Sinclair shrugs. “We kept it pretty cut and dry. He’s on probation.”

“No, I’m not,” Roger murmurs, dismissive, shaking his head to Cora.

“He is,” Sinclair growls. Roger just leans down, pretending to whisper in Cora’s ear but speaking loud enough for all of us to hear, “probation doesn’t mean anything. But it made him happy to slap a word on the lack of consequences.”

Cora laughs, her face turned up to her mate, and I bite my lip to stifle my own giggle, wanting to be loyal to Sinclair, who just sighs behind me.

“Either way,” Sinclair says, moving on. “Congratulations, Cora,” he says, his focus on her now and his voice sincere. “I’m very happy for you – for both of you. It’s a big event.”

“Thank you, Dominic,” Cora says, smiling at him softly and turning her head to the side, clearly touched. I beam at my sister as well. It’s not that I’ve let her off the hook for keeping the baby name a secret when I want to know so terribly badly – but? Well. I’ll bug her about it later.

“We are sorry though,” Cora says, reaching up to take Roger’s hand. “I know that…the wedding meant a lot to you, and that it was going to do good things for the nation. But…” she bites her lip, hesitating, and I can tell that she feels selfish. I open my mouth to protest against this but she continues before I can start. “But – I needed it to be like this, to be personal. I hope that you’ll forgive me.”

“There’s nothing to forgive, Cora,” Sinclair murmurs, smiling at her warmly. “I completely understand you’ve done nothing wrong.”

And quite suddenly, something comes to me. “Cora,” I say, turning my head to the side and leaning forward. “Does.. anyone else know? About your mark, or your little personal ceremony, besides us four?”

She frowns at me, confused. “Well, no,” she says quietly. “I mean, neither of us really have social media or anything -”

“Or any friends,” Roger murmurs, a little chagrined, which makes me laugh. They don’t need friends, they have us!

“Well then,” I say, a big smile breaking out on my face. “Would you consider…doing it anyway?”

“What?” Cora asks, confused.

“Well, if no one knows,” I say, my smile growing – because this could work! “Why not just have the wedding/ mating ceremony publicly, like we thought of before?”

“Oh!” she says, surprised, and then she starts to laugh, I think a little inspired by the idea. But then she realizes that she already has her mating mark and her fingers go to it, brushing it

“We could get makeup artists to cover it up,” I suggest with a little shrug. ” I’m sure they can do it – they do magical things in the movies.”

“Um,” Cora says, looking up at Roger, who just gives her a simple shrug, clearly communicating that it’s her choice. And then she grins, turning back to me. “Really?” she says, “You think it would work? And – and it would help you?”

“It really would, Cora,” Sinclair says warmly behind me. “I think it’s precisely the message we want to send to both our people and some of our honored guests: that humans are equals in our eyes, that they’re part of our family. But, if you’d rather not – if you’d rather just keep the memory of it to the beach, because it’s special to you

“No,” she says, interrupting with a huge smile on her face. “No, I want to do it – I think…it will be fun!”

“I’m going to mark this side this time,” Roger murmurs, drawing a finger down the opposite side of her throat and shoulder. “See if I like how it looks any better…”

She scowls and swats his hand away. ” Enough of you,” she murmurs, though I know she doesn’t mean it. Cora hasn’t had nearly enough of Roger, and I doubt she ever will. I hug my baby close and grin at both of them, so incredibly excited for their life together.

And to throw them a wedding!

Time moves quickly once the four of us have made our plans, and my days and weeks quickly fill with tasks. I wake up early earlier than Sinclair, even to take care of the baby and begin to make my plans. He scolds me for it every morning, telling me I need my sleep or that I should wake him up to help but every morning I brush him off.

Because I feel the same way about him and I’m happy he gets to sleep an extra hour while I take care of things. He needs it.

Sinclair is busier than he’s ever been. He reminds me, in some ways, of the cold, brooding, discerning business man I met at the beginning of all of this. In some ways I lost track of that man I fell in love with in all of our odd adventures in Vanara, and in the bunker, and in the RV, and everywhere else.


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