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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 436

#Chapter 436- Dinner Party


I enter the elaborate dining room at Sinclair’s side with Rafe tucked sleeping in my arms. There are no doubts or hesitations on my face and I lift my chin high as I smile slightly, letting people see me as my mate’s unbothered Queen, as someone entirely unruffled by the events of this morning.

Sinclair, walking at my side, presents a similar image: the unflappable Alpha King, his body fully capable of every violent rumor of which our guests have heard, but toned and refined by the mind of a King, a true power player.

The effect we have as a pair ripples through the room with people turning to us, many eyes going wide. Because we really do present the image of two people who should not be trifled with.

I have to admit, a little thrill goes through me at the idea of this. Because, honestly, I usually think of myself as sweet and determined, but certainly not powerful and imposing. But tonight, at Sinclair’s side? It comes to me easier than I thought it would.

Cora and Roger come into the room behind us, our personal guards following after them. Many eyes turn to my human sister, considering her alongside and her fated Alpha mate. I know Roger and Cora are baffling to many people within the wolf community who can’t understand how or why Roger would have a human woman fated to be at his side.

But one look at my stunning sister in her lavender gown? Well. Let’s just say that even without the information that she’s a demigoddess who can control the weather, I think it’s making a lot more sense to a lot of our gathered guests.

Still, as Sinclair and I approach our chairs at the head of the table, I’m aware of some frowns and whispers around the room. Even though the four of us present a strong and untied front, there are as there always are dissenters amongst our supporters. My eyes move immediately to the group of five ambassadors from Atalaxia, dressed in back and gathered at the far end of the table.

Sinclair sent word, of course, that my uncle was absolutely not invited to attend this smaller, more personal dinner, and I am pleased to see that he’s not there. But I narrow my eyes in their direction anyway, wondering what the hell else they’ve got up their sleeve.

“Dominic, Ella,” I hear Henry’s voice say, and I turn to see him wheeling towards us. My face breaks into a grin and I lean forward, giving him a kiss on the cheek and tilting the baby so that Henry can say hello as Sinclair greets his father as well.

“I’ve heard you’ve had a tough morning,” Henry says quietly as people around the room begin to take their seats. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there – ”

“Please,” Sinclair says, dismissing his apology with a wave. “We handled it well. There’s nothing you could have done.”

“Still,” Henry sighs, rolling up to his place at the table on Sinclair’s left. “I’d have liked to have seen the man for myself, been able to assess him. But I’m sure I’ll have more opportunity for that as the weekend passes.”

“Yes,” I sigh, taking my own seat as Sinclair pulls it out for me. “I’m sure you will.”

I hold my sleeping baby close to me as Cora and Roger take their own seats to my right, and then I look up at Sinclair, who is still standing. A warm smile lights my mate’s face as he lifts a glass of wine towards the waiting group of people and begins to welcome everyone formally to the palace, letting them know that he hopes the weekend will be full of many pleasurable and fruitful conversations about the future of our collected nations.


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