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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 445

#Chapter 445- Into You Ella

“Ella,” Clavin says, his voice thick with emotion. His hand continues its path, reaching for me, his fingers brushing the velvet sleeve of my gown before I can pull away.

“What,” I whisper, taking a few steps back, wanting space between us. “What was that?”

“I don’t – ”

Before he can finish though, we both turn towards the darkened doorway to the balcony. I instantly recognize the silhouette I see there as my mate’s and breathe out a breath of relief.

I mean it’s not that I think that Calvin or I did anything wrong, or that Calvin was going to hurt me, but whatever passed between us? It was strange.

And suddenly as I remember the pulse that happened last night, when Calvin touched my hand – I want my mate here, now, at my side.

“Is everything all right out here?” Sinclair growls, his voice low and full of the threat that his words don’t carry.

He takes a step forward into the darkness as Calvin takes a step away from me and bows to him, both a formality shown to a king and a display of deference to an Alpha who thinks he might sense a threat to his mate.

“Everything is fine, Dominic,” I say, holding out a hand to him, doing my best to keep my voice light though I suspect I’m failing a little bit. “Prince Calvin was just telling me about his children. Did you know that he has a son just older than Rafe? And his daughter is three.”

“I did not know,” Sinclair says, prowling to my side, his eyes fixed on the Atalaxian prince. “Your family keeps such information close to their chest, do they not?”

“We do,” Calvin confirms, his voice formal and quiet now. “Though, we do share it with our closest friends. And I very much hope that after this trip that I will be able to tell my children about my new friends in Moon Valley.”

“I hope so as well,” I say, hoping my words assure Calvin that I’m on his side, and to persuade Sinclair that no matter what he sensed, Calvin has not done or meant me any harm.

“I don’t know if this is going to be possible,” Sinclair says quietly, his voice grumbling and stern as he stands close at my side, pressing his hands into his pockets and looking Calvin up and down. “Especially after the stunts your delegation has been pulling with Xander. He upset Ella very much tonight. Were you aware of this?”

Calvin sighs and looks at me, his face genuinely pained. “I was not, What did he do?”

Briefly, Sinclair informs Clavin of Xander’s approach, his refusal to look me in the eye. Calvin sighs deeply as he listens, lifting a hand to rub at his eyes in frustration and I think embarrassment.

“I’m sorry,” Calvin says, dropping his hand and looking first at me and then at Sinclair. “It is…please, I beg you you to consider that there was and is dissent within our nation. While I’m sure that some of our delegation encouraged Xander and support his disgusting ideas, some of us want better.”

“Well,” Sinclair says slowly. “Then I’d look forward to speaking further with those persons.”

“If you’ll allow me to set it up,” the prince says quietly, “I will do so.”

“Please,” Sinclair says. And then he shuts his mouth, clear that that’s his final word on the subject this evening.

Calvin bows again, to each of us, and then says he’ll put the wheels in motion before stepping towards the door. When he reaches it, he clasps Conner on the shoulder and bids him a good night as well, a move that adds another tick in his favor as far as I’m concerned. I quite like it when persons of power make a point to acknowledge people in positions of service.

But, knowing that’s less important at this particular moment, I look up at Sinclair. “Is everything all right?”

“I thought I’d ask you the same,” he says, looming over me a bit, clearly displeased.


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