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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 454

#Chapter 454- Press


We stayed up all night working and strategizing. A flurry of aids came into the room right away as well as several guards, who worked with Sinclair to brief him and to begin to come up with a plan about how to handle the press.

I trusted my mate to handle that, though, focusing my attention singularly on Sarah when she was wheeled into the room on a hospital gurney. Sarah was conscious, but in a great deal of pain, and Cora and I moved immediately to her side. Cora asked questions of both the attendant doctor and Sarah herself as I handed Rafe to Henry.

When Cora quickly briefed me that the wounds, as far as she could tell, were nothing that I hadn’t handled before, I nodded to her and quickly took Sarah’s hand. “I’d like to heal you, Sarah, if you’ll let me,” I said quietly, looking her in the eye.

She laughed a little, shaking her head at me. “Go ahead,” she said with an attempt at a grin that immediately fell away as she winced, favoring her side where Xander kicked her.

I exhaled sharply, hating that he put her in pain again, and that I was the cause of it. But, eager to be the solution as much as I could, I closed my eyes and concentrated, accessing my gift and healing my friend.

The work was done quickly and barely twenty minutes later I opened my eyes to see Sarah staring at me in awe. ”

That’s…incredible,” she said. “I mean, I watched you work on Jessica, but feeling it?”

“Better?” I asked, and she had just laughed, marveling a little.

Things moved quickly then, with Sinclair glancing over at me meaningfully, indicating that he had things he wanted to run my way. I nodded to him but turned first to Sarah and Jessica to ensure that they got settled. When they hesitated about going back to their rooms tonight Xander had, after all, kidnapped them from that space I insisted they take one of the personal rooms in the back of Sinclair and my personal quarters one of the rooms that we hope to one day fill with our children.

They had smiled at this idea, wanting to be close, and Cora took Jessica by the hand as Sarah lifted herself from the gurney and walked away, completely free of pain.

“Wow,” the attendant doctor had said, his eyes wide. “What did you…”

“Another time,” I had sighed, placing a hand on his shoulder. “We should talk but…another time?”

He smiled at me, still a little shocked and awed, but he agreed and quietly left the room. I sighed then, and took the baby back from Henry before moving to Sinclair’s side, ready to face whatever was next.

We were up until about…three in the morning I guess, preparing press releases and dealing with all the details. By the end I had tucked Rafe away into his little crib and fallen into bed exhausted. I had always thought it was an exaggeration when people say they fell asleep before their head hit the pillow, but as I have absolutely no memory of laying my head down?

I guess they weren’t exaggerating after all.

I groan a little as I roll over in bed now and glance at the clock. My groan only deepens when I see that it’s only 7 am.

Four hours of sleep – that’s… Appalling.

“Morning, little Queen,” I hear my mate rumble beside me and I turn towards him with a frown on my face, noting the tablet on his lap.

“Dominic,” I murmur, working to sit up. “Did you sleep at all!?”

“A little,” he says, reaching out a hand to stroke over my hair. “I wish you’d slept more. What got you up?”

“Anxiety, I guess,” I say, moving myself closer to him and nodding towards the tablet. “What are they saying now?”

Last night, the news had gone pretty wild with everything, playing all kinds of footage from the event me racing across the flagstones in my wolf’s body, me negotiating with Xander while he pressed a knife to Jessica’s throat, me leaping through the air again in my wolf’s form with my teeth bared, me looking wide-eyed out into the crowd with blood all down my front


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