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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 456

#Chapter 456- Ella Gets a Note


I snatch the note out of my mate’s hand, muttering “he’s not my prince,” but no one really acknowledges the words as I tear the envelope open and eagerly read the short letter inside. When I see what it says, my eyebrows arch almost to my hairline.

“What is it?” Cora asks, leaning eagerly forward.

“He wants to…go to dinner,” I say, frowning a little.

“Dinner,” Sinclair says, frowning and sliding his hands into his pockets. ”

Why on earth would he want that? We have three more dinners with the Atalaxians scheduled over the next few nights, he could go to any one of those

“No, Dominic,” I say softly, looking up at him. “The note is only addressed to me.”

My mate goes still as my words, and their implications, sink in. And then his face goes dark.

“Okay!” Roger says in too-cheerful tones, wrapping his hands around Cora’s arms as he stands up, dragging her with him. “Time for us to go! It’s been a pleasure, Dom – we’ll see you later – ”

“What?” Cora gasps, fumbling to her feet and looking between Roger and me. “No, I want to stay!”

“Nope!” he says, moving her hastily for the door. “We’re out of here!”

“Roger, I’m in pajamas – ”

“If you don’t kill anyone, Cora, no one will care what you’re wearing -”

My eyes follow my protesting sister as Roger pulls her from the room, shutting the door behind them. And then my eyes snap up to my mate who glowers silently down at me, the only sounds in the room our little baby happily cooing next to us.

“You know I didn’t do this, Dominic,” I say, my voice stern as I slowly start to shake my head at him.

“I didn’t say you did, Ella,” he snaps, his voice a low snarl. But he’s pissed – I can tell by the stiffness of his shoulders, the tense set of every single one of his muscles.

I move slowly, not wanting to set him off. I mean, I’m not scared, not at all I didn’t do anything wrong to begin with, and he’d never hurt me. But still, I don’t want him to lose his temper, not when he’s clearly working so hard to contain it.

So, quite calmly, I reach for the baby and gather him close to my chest before standing up and moving to my mate’s side.

“What do you want me to do?” I ask, my voice perfectly calm. Because…

I mean, honestly? Even if I only ever admit it to myself? I want to go. I’m not only eager to make a connection with the only Atalaxian who has even hinted that he might want to build bridges between our nations, but even more than that?

There is some kind of connection between Calvin and I and I’m dying to know what it is. I want very much to go to this dinner and find out more.

But Sinclair – he’s my mate. And he is about ready to tear this man apart for asking me to dinner – especially because Sinclair thinks that he’s into me or whatever.

As Sinclair stares down into my face, I can tell all of these thoughts are rushing through his mind as well. But then he looses his breath and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me close to him as he softly raises a hand to my cheek. “What do you want to do?”

But I shake my head, not letting him get out of it that easily. “I am your Queen, Dominic,” I say quietly. “I am done taking things into my own hands for now. If you want me to go, and to see what I can do to make a connection with Atalaxia, or if I can learn anything new from him, I’ll do it. But if you want me to stay?” I shrug. “I’ll stay.”

He growls a little, his arm tightening, and even though I know he’s upset I can’t help but smile a little. I like it when he’s possessive like this. Warmth coils within me, heating me from the inside out.

Sensing that heat, Sinclair moves his thumb to my mouth, tracing the line of my lower lip with the edge of his finger.

“Let me think on it,” he murmurs.


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