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Adorable Baby Arrives: Kidnap a Daddy to Send Mommy novel Chapter 128

Although the words are so said, but Xia Xingcheng's heart can not help but be very helpful, she knew that the child Xiao Bao is good and obedient, really let her heart warm.
Xiao Bao leaned in Xia Xingcheng's arms, then saw him pull out a cold bag from his big school bag and handed it to Xia Xingcheng, saying ingratiatingly, "Mommy, this is the pain relief bag I just bought for you at the supermarket with my pocket money, the pretty sales aunt said you won't have any pain this way."
The summer star orange saw, the heart that moved the taste is no way to describe, immediately hugged the Xiao Bao is a fierce kiss.
"Trojan, good Xiao Bao, Mommy is very happy, I knew Xiao Bao is the best, unlike some people, so fierce."
After saying that, Xia Xingcheng glanced at Sheng Yiting who had been silent on one side, and that look was somewhat indescribably sultry.
Sheng Yeting raised his eyebrows, his expression is still faint, just to see the side of the Chen Ma see the young couple like this, immediately laughed a roundabout, "young lady, the young master although people cold some, but he is still very worried about you, see you this hospitalization he has been guarding here, my wife looked touched."
"Chen mom, you start defending him again, you are not see just now, how fierce he is." Xia Xingcheng pouted and said, the appearance is not too much to do, on the contrary, here she can't say up to the aggression.
The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.
"Little Young Master, your mommy she is sick now, come over to Grandma Chen's side so she can get some rest."
Xiao Bao nodded obediently and left his mommy's embrace somewhat reluctantly, but he also knew that mommy must rest well now.
"Mommy, do you still hurt now, Xiao Bao will give you huff and puff and put you to sleep, OK?" Xiao Bao has a pleasing face.
The first thing you need to do is to take the Xiao Bao in your arms for a while, but out of the corner of your eye you suddenly glance at the side of the Sheng Yeting cold snort, the face is a little bad to sit aside.
Xia Xingcheng is a little unclear, do not understand what kind of anger he is angry with at this time, is it angry with Xiao Bao?
It shouldn't be!
The mind suddenly recalls that when she was unconscious she did seem to hear someone calling her name anxiously, and she could be sure that that person was Sheng Yeting.
Because he has that special aura and feeling in him that no one else can have.
In this way, Xia Xingcheng's heart is suddenly very complicated, say not moved that are false, and there will be a ...... strange feeling.
Not long after, Chen's mother saw that Xia Xingcheng was a little tired, so she couldn't help but pick up Xiao Bao from Xia Xingcheng's arms, trying to let Xia Xingcheng rest for a while.
Chen Ma originally intended to let the young master he took Xiaobao home to rest, after all, the young master has not rested for a night, but see Sheng Yeting has been sitting there with a cold face, Chen Ma hesitated, finally did not say, only take Xiaobao first left.
The young master rarely goes to such lengths for a woman, and since he can nurture their relationship as a couple, Chen Ma is certainly willing to see it.
After Xiao Bao and the others left, the only two people left inside the ward were Sheng Yeting and Xia Xingcheng, and the atmosphere suddenly became a bit awkward.
This ward is a VIP ward specially prepared by Sheng Yeting, with all the facilities inside, plus the quietness of a high-grade ward and some special treatment, so Xia Xingcheng can't help but secretly sigh that the world of the rich is a kind of maximum luxury even for hospitalization.
He was holding his cell phone and typing rapidly, seemingly dealing with documents, Xia Xingcheng saw a burst of guilt in his heart.
She tossed inside the hospital for so long, Sheng Yeting has been with her side she certainly wise fight, think must have delayed him a lot of time.
The scene before she fell into a coma once again came to mind, Xia Xingcheng's heart was even more complicated, deliberating, finally hesitantly opened his mouth and said, "That, thank you for this matter."
She knows that Sheng Yeting usually does not like it when she says thank you to him, but now, Xia Xingcheng does not know what else to do if she can say thank you.
She really owes Sheng Yeting more and more, and she finds herself ...... increasingly unable to pay back.
As expected, seeing her say thank you, Sheng Yeting's face is not much better, not only so, there is a growing trend of black.
Stopping the movement in his hands, the warning color in Sheng Yeting's eyes flashed by, and finally only said, "Xia Xingcheng, I rushed to save you just for you to say a word of thanks to me?"
Xia Xingcheng was choked instantly could not say anything, can only look at him in surprise, do not understand this young master Sheng's brain circuit is what is going on.
She seems to be not say anything, how he is so angry, now it is good, even the air around her feel a few minutes cold.
As a matter of fact, seeing that Xia Xingcheng did not speak, Sheng Yeting seemed to have lost his patience and suddenly leaned down and looked at her with a bandage wrapped around her head.
"You, woman, turned out to be so insensitive!" Sheng Yeting gritted his teeth and spoke word by word.
The first thing you need to do is to look into his eyes, and his face will be red again.
"That, my head is a little dizzy, sleepy to rest." Xia Xingcheng said naively.
The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.
The heart helplessly sighed, Sheng Yeting heart secretly marveled at what happened to him, saw Xia Xingcheng closed his eyes seems to be really some sleepy, new suddenly softened a little.
"En." He faintly responded, and after he finished, he really never looked at Xia Xingcheng again, sat on top of the sofa to the side and picked up his laptop to start working on the documents.
Seeing that he had the intention to work here, Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but ask one more question, "Is it really okay if you don't go back to rest for a while?"
Sheng Yeting doesn't even raise his head, "I'm the same everywhere, you don't have to worry about it."
Xia Xingcheng was choked again for a moment, and could not help but secretly roll his eyes in his heart.
This man is really twisted to the core, admitting that he is concerned about his own death? And it has to be in such a toxic way, no wonder he has so few friends.
I'm afraid that only Jiang Xiyun can suffer from this kind of nature of Sheng Yeting.
At the same time Xia Xingcheng in the heart secretly marvel, think to do such as Sheng Yeting such achievements of people, fear is also disdain and others to make friends, right?
The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.
That iceberg face looked at him, eyes as usual without any expression, as if to say: Xia Xingcheng, I want you to thank?


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