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Adorable Baby Arrives: Kidnap a Daddy to Send Mommy novel Chapter 138

On the way back, Xia Xingcheng pondered in her heart that this matter still needs to be considered in the long run, after all, with Sheng Yiting's character, she is afraid that she will not participate.
When the family was sitting around eating together, Xia Xingcheng was hesitating to talk to Sheng Yiting about this matter when her phone suddenly rang.
It was the teacher of Xiao Bao's kindergarten who sent her the script they needed to perform.
The first thing you need to do is to put the phone aside after a brief look, secretly saying that this script is definitely no play for Sheng Yeting to play.
Because the script to be performed was an interactive performance of wolf father, wolf mother and little wolf, if Sheng Yeting was to perform in wolf costume, Xia Xingcheng felt that it was simply a fantasy.
It would be better for her to go on her own to get some real.
Seeing Xia Xingcheng look a little lost after reading the phone, Chen Ma on the side asked with concern, "What's wrong young lady?"
Xia Xingcheng felt that there was nothing to hide, so she told Chen's mother about it, not forgetting to emphasize: "That, I think I can do this performance myself, so I don't need Nightingale."
Just kidding, if she dares to say let Sheng Yeting go, his eyes will be able to kill himself in seconds.
Chen's mother saw that although Xiao Bao did not say anything, but his eyes could not hide the small loss, said: "How can that be, other students' parents have gone, if Xiao Bao's parents do not go, Xiao Bao will make people laugh."
Then I couldn't help but look up and ask Sheng Yeting: "Young master, I'll say one more thing, you should go over there, this is after all the first time Xiao Bao participated in a group activity, as parents we should support."
The company has been coaxing him to grow up, the feelings since it is not necessary to say, so the speech is more or less some weight.
"Bring me the script and let me read it." After a while, Sheng Yeting spoke up.
Xia Xingcheng saw that there is a play, can't help but hurry to hand the phone to Sheng Yeting, the heart secretly thinking that if he went, Xiao Bao will be very happy.
Sheng Yeting hands looking at this script, really half a day did not respond, tightly pursed lips, brow wrinkled into a ball, quite a kind of to tie the knot.
When Xia Xingcheng saw him like this, she was a little lost in her heart, but it was expected, so she hurriedly grabbed the phone out of his hand and said, "That, it's really not necessary, I can do it with Xiaobo."
Then, as if deliberately avoiding it, Xia Xingcheng directly pulled Xiao Bao and went upstairs.
The heart says not at all lost that must be false, but he is after all not the biological father of Xiaobo, Xia Xingcheng will not ask for anything.
After the mother and son went upstairs, there were only two people left downstairs, Sheng Yeting and Chen's mother.
Sheng Yeting's expression has been very subtle since he read that script, seemingly thinking about something like a slight daze.
The first thing you need to do is to learn to care for the young master, you know, when the young master was young you were not by his side, now he is older, it is not easy to return to you, you can not be a father's responsibility."
Chen Ma has been on the side of the painstaking persuasion, but also only the young master's own son, see Sheng Yeting has been sitting there, but also do not know whether he has listened to it or not.
The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.
The night is late, Chen Ma is a little tired and also went to rest, Sheng Yeting but has been sitting on top of the sofa, sitting quietly do not know what is thinking.
When Xia Xingcheng went downstairs to get something, she happened to see him sitting there and couldn't help but be slightly surprised.
"It's so late, why aren't you sleeping?" Xia Xingcheng asked softly.
Sheng Yeting seems to be this just found a person standing next to him, eyes slightly surprised for a moment, very quickly returned to the previous indifference.
"Think about some things, you get an early night."
The man on the sofa slightly lowered his eyes, converging the emotions in his eyes, but how could not hide the coldness in his body.
Xia Xingcheng wanted to go over and comfort him, but finally withdrew such a thought at the last moment.
There seemed to be a soft sigh coming from Xia Xingcheng, who said softly, "Good, then you should rest early."
With that, he turned around and went upstairs, leaving behind even the things he had just come downstairs to try to do.
Sheng Yeting looked at Xia Xingcheng's disappearing back, a moment of some unhappy frown, he always felt, more and more care about this woman's thoughts.
But this is not what he wanted to see, at least he always thought he could control his emotions and would not be affected by anyone.
But now, things also seem to be a little out of his control, which is why he didn't say anything more to Xia Xingcheng just now.
The two days were spent peacefully, these days Xia Xingcheng has been busy with the pre-shooting of "Crossing 2", so there were fewer opportunities to meet with Sheng Yeting.
The two seem to have returned to the same state of not disturbing each other, but Xia Xingcheng has always had the land in the east of the city in mind, and has secretly decided to wait for these few days to pass, and to contact the first time.
This day after picking up Xiao Bao from school, Xia Xingcheng remembered that in a few days is the day to perform with Xiao Bao on stage, so directly took Xiao Bao to the costume store to choose the props and clothing needed that day.
The clerk of the clothing store saw Xia Xingcheng's Xiao Bao next to her dumb and cute look and liked it very much, so she enthusiastically took them to the innermost room to choose.
The material here is not only the best, even the design of the pattern is also a lot of diversity, Xiao Bao came in after the heart of a cheer, then began to select.
After looking for several circles, Xiaobo finally found a wolf-themed parent-child outfit to wear and said to Xia Xingcheng like offering a treasure: "Mommy, look at how pretty Xiaobo is wearing this."
Xia Xingcheng nodded: "It's so beautiful, Xiao Bao on this one."
So she politely instructed the sales clerk beside her who was looking at Xiao Bao with glowing eyes, "Please just ask for these two pieces for me, thank you."
Xiao Bao tugged at Mommy's sleeve on one side: "Mommy, why did you only take two pieces, there's still Daddy's."
The clerk on the side also looked at Xia Xingcheng with some doubts, but did not say much.
Xia Xingcheng heart slightly hesitated for a moment, that sentence Dad does not like such a show this sentence is how can not be able to say out with Xiaobo.
So in the eyes of Xiao Bao with expectation, Xia Xingcheng nodded and said, "Good, please help me to put up the men's clothes together, too, pretty girl."
Although it is clear that Sheng Yeting will agree to wear this dress is unlikely, her heart is actually more or less looking forward to it.


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