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Adorable Baby Arrives: Kidnap a Daddy to Send Mommy novel Chapter 167

On the other hand, Jiang Chengyao's side is basically already on the side of the crusade, his Weibo is full of malicious comments, the company's entrance is surrounded by people, and even his family members are affected by the ripples.
After all, that little girl was congenitally ill and vulnerable.
And the sympathy of the masses, will unconsciously tend to disadvantaged groups on that side, her encounter will be infinitely magnified.
On the contrary, Jiang Chengyao is already a public figure, plus this matter is rumored to be in the public eye, naturally he will become a direct target.
As if for a moment, Jiang Cheng Yao was once known by the public as a good man, Mr. Gentle are gone.
In its place, everyone was hurling abuse at him, crusading, saying he was an animal, worse than a dog or a pig, to do it to such a laughing child.
"Jiang Chengyao, you must return justice to that little girl, or the world will never forgive you."
"Yes, it's just heartless, thanks to the fact that I have bought his movie film, just as fed to the dogs."
"Human face, simply not human, that child is still so small, youth has just begun, such a thing is also human can do?"
The first thing you need to do is to find a few comments that have been pushed up on the hot search and find out that now there are already people left who are fighting against Jiang Chengyao, and the old following has long gone.
Even if there are some very few fans who still choose to believe in Jiang Chengyao and have been struggling to defend and explain on Weibo and major news, they are quickly swamped by the crusading army.
What's more, as someone listed the suspected evidence of Jiang Chengyao's assault one by one on Weibo, instantly those fans didn't move.
The fans have also started to turn to attack Jiang Cheng Yao, after all, the evidence is now overwhelming and no one can afford to be suspicious.
So, the comments above Jiang Chengyao's microblog have been more, calling him a pseudo-boy god, trash, and a beast.
Even the words cursing Jiang Chengyao to a bad death ended up being said.
The human heart is malicious, this is since ancient times, people for the highest evaluation of the human heart.
Xia Xingcheng sighed and secretly felt sad for Jiang Cheng Yao.
I guess that's what it's like to fall from heaven to hell.
Xia Xingcheng somewhat tiredly turned off the remarks on top of Weibo, and looked twice at the evidence posted by the mystery man that Jiang Cheng Yao had violated the girl.
She found that the evidence was not so strong, but only that Jiang Chengyao had donated to the girl, had hugged the girl's photo and care for the girl's appearance, which is relatively common.
But if you add some photo borrowing, plus the rendering of the text, you have to feel as if there is really some ambiguous elements.
Xia Xingcheng secretly shook his head, online people, they will only see what they want to see, as for some other things, they will not really care.
After looking at it for a while, Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but be a little tired, and couldn't help but gently close the computer, sighing a little tiredly.
After she read these things, I don't know why, her heart is always blocked, although and Jiang Chengyao is at most considered a friend, but had to be somewhat sorry.
And she always felt that there was something fishy about the matter, but she was not the person in question after all, and all things cannot be judged.
After all, things inside the entertainment industry are true and false, it is not at all what it seems to be.
She doesn't know Jiang Chengyao very well, so it's not good to make a conclusion based on her own generalizations.
Almost the whole day, because of this matter, Xia Xingcheng can't help but be a little distracted.
It was hard to get through to the end of the day, today Xia Xingcheng's car happened to take to do maintenance, so it was a taxi back.
Now the news about Jiang Chengyao has been all over the place, even Xia Xingcheng could hear the news being broadcast on the radio when she was walking on the road.
The whole day is the news in the ears, Xia Xingcheng listened to can not help but some annoyance, can not help but sigh the radio reached out to turn off.
The driver on the side is listening with great interest, at first by Xia Xingcheng turned off, can not help but some helpless light sigh.
"Miss must be a fan of that Jiang Chengyao, you are not aware oh, that Jiang Chengyao is simply heartless."
"Thanks to my daughter who used to like her, I will go back and educate her properly, such a person does not deserve to appear in front of the public."
"You tell me how old that little girl is, and he does something like that, poor yo."
The driver was talking to himself in front of Xia Xingcheng, Xia Xingcheng originally did not intend to pay attention, but finally could not resist interrupting him: "Okay driver, I need to be quiet now thanks."
The driver froze for a moment and immediately closed his mouth, giving a somewhat embarrassed laugh.
The cold aura emanating from Xia Xingcheng's body was too appalling, so that he couldn't help but cower a little.
After arriving home in the evening, Sheng Yeting had already gone to school to pick up Xiao Bao, Xiao Bao saw his mother back, immediately jumped into his mother's arms.
Xiao Bao pouted and said, "Mommy, you're back, why are you so late today, Xiao Bao misses you so much."
After seeing Xiao Bao, Xia Xingcheng's mood was finally considered better and she gave Xiao Bao two loving kisses.
However, she still could not hide the gloomy air between her expression, slightly reluctant.
The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.
Not long after, Chen's mother came over and greeted several people to eat.
Summer Star Orange also does not have much appetite, after a few bites, put down the chopsticks and went upstairs alone.
Xiao Bao on one side to look at mommy, in a look at daddy, can not help but some aggrieved pouted, really do not understand what happened.
"Daddy, what's wrong with Mommy today? So strange." Xiao Bao asked with some suspicion.
Sheng Yeting coldly glanced at the direction Xia Xingcheng left, his eyes were somewhat profound, but did not say much.
The first thing you need to do is to go upstairs after eating.
Maybe it's just a sigh of relief that she herself lives inside such a showbiz world and gets a little tired once in a while.
In a daze, Xia Xingcheng felt a little tired and was about to fall asleep when she suddenly heard a very soft sound of the door opening.
Xia Xingcheng was not sure at first and hurriedly opened her eyes as her thoughts gradually cleared.
The eyes are a handsome face that is enlarged and jumped Xia Xingcheng.
She hurriedly got up, pulled the covers over her body, and looked somewhat warily at the man across the room.
"You, how did you get in ...... how did you not know to knock!"
Sheng Yeting looked at the frightened woman on the bed from above, and finally gave a light laugh: "The door is not locked."


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