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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 110

She initially aimed to help her brother get rid of the woman that had accompanied him. Now that she was gone, there was no need for her to linger around anymore.

"How about having dinner first? If you're not hungry, how about your friend?"

'Fine!' Janet sat down at the table next to Jerry. Shirley followed her and sat at the table next to her.

Daniel and Kate were sitting right across the table, and Janet could easily see them. The sight of them made her furious, and her hands started shaking because of the anger.

"Jerry, help yourself with the food. I need to go the bathroom first, " said Janet. Janet then promptly stood up from her seat in haste. Following the staff's direction, she found the bathroom easily.

The moment she stepped out of the bathroom, she heard someone calling her name. "Janet Shao, Janet Shao!"

Curious, she followed the cry outside. After walking through a wide door, she ended up in the hotel's garden.

She found that no one was there. Who had called her then?

The night was dark, and Janet felt scared standing there alone all by herself.

Did she just follow a ghost?

She felt more and more nervous, and just as she was about to leave the place, she heard a dog's loud barking behind her. "Woof, woof, woof!" The barking seemed to sound irked.

Janet knew that danger was approaching her! She then quickly ran towards the hotel lobby.

Coming out of nowhere, a huge dog was darting towards her.

She turned around and saw that the dog was actually a scary Tibetan Mastiff. The sight of it made her horrified!

She strode desperately towards the lobby. The people there panicked the moment they saw her and the big dog coming towards them; everyone tried to flee away from the scene.

But Janet luckily mingled into the crowd, and she was no longer the aim of the attack, and the dog bit some random guy on the leg instead.

The bloody sight shocked Janet, and with all her force, she dashed into the dining room.

Things were getting worse by the minute as the dog kept running aimlessly in the hotel, and the staff then called in the security to make sure that everything was under control.

The mastiff was still causing trouble, and some more other people were bit by it.

Not knowing where she was heading to, Janet bumped into someone familiar. Out of panic, she circled around his neck and jumped straight into his arms. With her legs wrapped tight around his waist, she looked very intimate with him in that position.

Jerry heard the chaos and ran outside to look for his sister. To his surprise, he saw her clinging to Daniel like a Koala bear to a branch.

Janet was still panicked and shaking, but before she buried her face in his neck, she caught the distinct look in Kate's eyes.

"Mastiff... Mastiff... Daniel, a Tibetan Mastiff is chasing me!" The moment she explained it to him, the big dog showed up in the dining room, and it dashed towards the crowd with full force.

With Janet in his arm, Daniel quickly moved to the side and fortunately dogged the dog's attack.

They hid in the room's corner while the rest of the people started running towards the gates of the hotel. High pitched screams could be heard coming from everywhere.

Soon enough, a large group of security guards arrived on site, and the dog was immediately put under control by the professionals.

All those bitten by the dog were sent to the nearest hospital for urgent treatment.

In the corner

Daniel gently hugged the pale-faced Janet close to his chest as he tried to calm her down with a soothing voice. "It's all over now, " he said.

He knew her well, and he knew that she was afraid of pets. That gigantic Tibetan Mastiff must have scared her very much.


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