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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 120

What he said was true; Bill was really in love with Janet, but Janet didn't have the slightest interest in him. Bill was still just an innocent little boy...

"Make up for your first kiss?" As he said this, Daniel took out of his pocket his gold-plated lighter and casually lighted his third cigarette.

He took a drag out of it and then spit the smoke on Bill's face, saying, "Here you go!"

Bill didn't smoke at all, and when he inhaled the smoke, he coughed really hard.

"Dan... Daniel, you are a mean man! Eh-hem..."

He initially wanted to punch Daniel in the face, but when he remembered of his defeat in the one-on-one battle from earlier, he immediately sat back down next to Janet, and let his frustration boil in his blood.

He leaned his face over her shoulder and began to complain about Daniel. "Jane, he is such a nasty bully!"

His reputation had been ruined by Daniel; he had actually kissed a man... Woo woo woo...

Janet pat Bill's shoulder, and said, "There, there. Come on, let's drink."

She had learned how hateful and vengeful Daniel really was, but, however, she didn't know how to fix him.

The two then each picked up a beer from the table, clinked the bottles together, and then took a sip out of them.

"Bill, what did I say to you?" Daniel flicked the ashes in an ashtray and then sat next to Bill. He was so powerful and overwhelming that Bill was forced to glue himself to Jane.

'Oh! He must be referring to the one-on-one battle and it's bet, ' thought Bill.

"Okay..." Bill had to leave the seat next to Janet; he then sat back on his initial seat. He thought, 'I'm a man, and I'll keep to my word!'

They talked for a while longer and then started the third game.

The last one was... Daniel, again.

Janet looked at him and found that he was trying to hold off his laughter. 'It seems he did this on purpose!' thought Janet.

Another six 'one' in a row.

The second loser was Nicole, and her face almost instantly became paler when she saw the glass of liquor in front of her, but she still didn't show too much of her fear.

The third loser was Scott. He thought that it didn't matter too much, since there were only three bottles of beer.

Sven voluntarily drank Nicole's glass of liquor. Nicole had drunk a lot of it before, but she had never drunk so much booze in one gulp, and so she was scared of getting drunk too fast.

When she wanted to finish it, her liquor was gone.

Sven had stood by her, and had drank every last drop of it that was left in the glass voluntarily.

Nicole's face flushed red, and said, "Sven, you don't need to drink it for me, I can manage it all by myself pretty fine."

Sven then put down the glass and thought that he had done so many things for Nicole. He just wanted Nicole to know his real feelings towards her.

Scott then drank two glasses of beer, and wanted to drink another, but Janet quickly grabbed it from him, and said, "You are just a kid, don't drink that much!"

"Easy, sister. It's just beer!"

Jerry then grabbed the glass and drank it in silence; after that, Scott didn't talk anymore.

Daniel blew out one last smoke ring, and put out his cigarette. He then grabbed Janet by the face and kissed her.

It was a real deep kiss, and Daniel didn't let her go until she almost suffocated. At last, she could breath some fresh air!

"Daniel, Jane, if you invite us to your wedding, we'll give you a huge red pocket." Shelly covered her mouth and smiled secretly.

Janet was only gasping for air and had no time to speak while Daniel said, "Sure."

The atmosphere in the bar's private room was now on fire again.

But at the end of the fourth game, everyone was stunned. Daniel drank straight from the bottle of brandy, grabbed Janet's hand, and said to the people there, "Thank you for your kindness, but we're leaving now. You people have fun, and don't worry, I'll pay for the drinks!"

Everyone looked at the door closing behind them, and then looked at the six "ones" laid out in a row in front of Daniel's seat. "Did Daniel cheat?" Wondered Bill.


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