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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 124

Sven glanced at the staircase, and wondered, 'Why didn't Janet come downstairs?'

"Chuck, why have you come?" While he was asking Chuck, Harry fixed his eye on Sven.

Sven then regained his consciousness, took out an envelope out of his breast pocket, and then handed it over to Harry. He then said, "Godfather, I'm here to ask for your blessings, and I hope you and godmother can give them to me and let me marry Nicole!"

"Blessings?" Harry and Lola were shocked. They already knew that Nicole and Sven had been together, but they didn't expect him to propose to her so soon.

Harry was happy about this, and after he took the envelop and put it aside, he said sternly, "We agree, and I'll keep your betrothal present here, for now." Harry was pretty upset. Seeing the look on his daughter's face this morning, Harry had no choice but to agree to their sudden marriage.

Sven smiled and then sat back on his seat but, however, Harry's next words took away all of his joy. "Nicole was going to take the afternoon flight today, but she suddenly changed her mind and left with the morning one."

"Don't worry, godfather. I'll handle it as long as you and godmother agree with the marriage." He had decided to give Nicole a week's time to think about it. He would go to America to ask her again by then.

Sven told the media that Nicole was now his fiancee the second he walked out of the Si's Mansion. He wanted everyone know that Nicole was about to marry him.

If everyone knew and gossiped about it, then Nicole surely become his fiancee.

Then Sven's phone suddenly exploded with the sudden income of messages.

Including Nicole's, who had run away... Her phone almost shattered because of all the messages and calls she had received before she had gotten off the plane; all of them were asking about her marriage with Sven.

After picking up on a few calls, she now knew that Sven had already claimed that they were engaged.


Janet's shop would be officially back in business after the Lantern Festival.

Meanwhile, Shirley came from her hometown and was appointed as the shop's main manager there.

Janet rented a house for Shirley and also paid for her rent as a bonus for her employment.

It wasn't that far away from the Waterside Apartment Complex. At first, she wanted Shirley to live together with her, but because Daniel was staying at her place everyday, she gave up on the idea.

As far as Janet knew, Kate had now recovered from her gunshot injury and could get back to work.

After the first month of the lunar year, Daniel would focus more on his work in America.

He had told Janet that, and he wanted to take her there, but she refused him.

Daniel was so furious with her that he flew straight to America without telling Janet a single thing.

But before Janet found out what happened, Daniel had been working in America for three days already.

Janet checked her phone everyday and complained about how ruthless Daniel really was because he hadn't yet contacted her.

Every day when she opened the news about America, she found that it was basically all about Daniel, and occasionally Nicole.

Now that Kate had left the scene, the woman that revolved most around Daniel was the daughter of an American company tycoon.

It was the seventh day after Daniel had left the country, and Janet was furious since he still hadn't called or texted her.

He was driving her crazy! She was missing him so much!

She hired two locksmiths, and changed the door's lock at the Waterside Apartment.

Then she blocked his phone, unfriended him on WeChat, and blocked every one of his messages forever.

But that was useless.

The media was reporting news about Daniel every single day, and it didn't matter if it was either for the financial sector of the news or the entertainment sector; she could still see Daniel.


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