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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 139

Daniel had already saved Jerry once, and at Sven's suggestion, Jerry had sent over to his house several maids to work for Daniel.

It had been of no concern to Daniel at that time, and those maids knew their place, and were experienced, so he had decided to keep them for the time being.

"Humph!" Janet groaned with discontent.

Sitting face to face, Daniel said, "Jane, if you really want to, I will fire them."

"Of course I do! But... Maybe later. I can't take care of John all by myself now!" she said, while in the same time sighing.

'I can be really clumsy sometimes!' she thought.

"As you wish, and you can fire them any time you want. Are you happy now?" asked Daniel. 'If I can't make my hot-tempered girlfriend happy, how can I go to work then?' he thought.

"No!" she replied. She stared at him again and said, "They couldn't keep their hands off you and you just turned a blind eye to it. Daniel, you have absolutely no respect for me, do you?"

For a while he was confused, but he eventually realised what she was trying to say. He replied, "It's no big deal, I will talk to butler Park."

His eyes then overflowed with a cheerful light gleaming in them. 'It had never occurred to me that she could be so jealous, ' he thought.

"That's OK!" replied Janet. He had given his word, so she eventually stopped before going too far.

She then gave him a kiss on his cheek, and said, "Go to work now. I will catch some sleep along with John."

"OK, " he said.

Daniel put his right arm around her slender waist and walked out the bedroom together.

Downstairs, they saw that John was running outside the villa, followed by three maids.

Surprised, Colin looked at the young couple coming down. He could tell that they were in a good mood from Daniel's bright eyes.

'Should the poker-faced Daniel really have a look like that on his face?' he wondered.

Daniel gave some orders to butler Park and then was about to leave with Spark and Colin.

Suddenly, something occurred to him. He turned around, walked towards Janet, and after he kissed her red lips, he said, "Wait for me at home."

He kissed her in front of the others, and this made Janet blush. She gently pushed Daniel away, and mumbled, "Go to work. Aren't you sheepish?"

Daniel laughed, and was pushed towards the door by her.

Janet also went out of the villa with them because she had to bring John back in the house.

She managed to take John upstairs, and after she walked into the bedroom, she laid him on Daniel's bed. Then, she took off his shoes, and said, "Now, we'll both go to sleep."

However, John was crawling around on the bed and wouldn't go to sleep.

"Sister, I'm not sleepy, but you go and have a good sleep, " said John.


Their flight, which had lasted for more than a dozen hours, had exhausted Janet to her limits. She listlessly said on the bed, "John, go to sleep now, or I will call daddy and mommy to come and take you back home."

'Daddy and mommy, why haven't you called me yet to ask if everything is going alright with John?' she wondered.

"No, sister, play with me, please, " replied John. He crawled over to her and then lied on her belly and acted shamelessly.

Being so exhausted, she could barely open her eyes any more. She grasped his chubby little hand, and said, "John, go to sleep right now. I'm very sleepy."

"But, sister, I need to go to the toilet, " he said. At that moment, he let go of Janet's hand and got out of bed.

But Janet's mind was in a whirl because of how tired she was and couldn't tell what he was talking about.


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