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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 194

Daniel looked at the phone number, from which he got nothing, and secretly clenched his fist in fury.

During her long absence, Janet had contacted everyone but him...

Besides, the power she seemed to have around her annoyed Daniel even more, because of his love for her.

The following spring, Janet gave birth to two lovely twin daughters at the hospital.

However, she had lost all of her memories when she woke up after giving birth, because her nerves had been compressed during labor.

Two years later, on the sixth day of the third lunar month

It was a warm spring day, and it was also the twin girls' birthday. Caspar took both the twins and Janet, who had eventually taken over the Tianye Men, to a hotel.

The reserved private room had been decorated in advance, and its dominating color was pink. A large five-layer pink cake was on the table, covered with a pink white tablecloth.

Inflatable letters were pasted on the wall, reading, Happy birthday, Melissa and Michelle!

There were many elders present there, and also the four leaders of the Tianye Men, including Dillon.

All the elders loved the two little girls; neither one of them had missed their important second birthday.

Caspar and Janet were each holding a girl. Together, they looked like a family of four.

However, everyone present in the room knew that the two girls had nothing to do with Caspar, but none of them dared to speak out their thoughts.

The table was heaped with expensive gifts from the elders. The twins were dressed in little pale blue dresses, with different colored flowers on their heads to distinguish them.

Halfway through lunch, Janet went to the bathroom.

When she came back, she looked at one of the entertainment news channels on TV.

A female journalist was holding ta microphone, and was excited to announce, "... Daniel Si, the CEO of the SL Group, and his Cinderella, Shirley Zheng, will marry in a six-star hotel three days from now..."

After this, a man and a woman holding hands appeared on the screen. The woman was smiling beatifically, while the man next to her looked apathetic.

Janet rubbed her sore temples, but when she looked at the indifferent man again, she began to feel dizzy.

Caspar was the first to notice that she was about to faint, and he rushed to her aid.

Concerned about her stare, he asked her, "What's wrong?"

Those elders also came around, and frantically asked, "What's wrong, Janet?"

Janet looked again at the screen and at the man, now being interviewed by a journalist.

'Who is this man? Why do I feel that I know him?' Janet tried to think back and remember...

But darkness covered her eyes and she fell unconscious.

Caspar looked at the screen, and at the man that a number of journalists were interviewing. He knew that the man was a well-known multinational CEO based in C Country.

But... Did Janet know him?

Reminded by Boswell, Caspar sent Janet straight to the hospital.

Arriving at the hospital, he pulled Sherry, who had just finished an operation, into a superior ward, and inside it Janet lay in a deep coma.

Sherry did a general examination on Janet, and told Caspar, "She's all right."

"Then why did she pass out?"

Sherry shook her head, and answered, "It is a little strange. Wait until I'll give her a more thorough examination."

Just as she finished uttering her answer, the woman laying in bed started slowly opening her eyes.

There was only one sentence in Janet's mind now, and that was, 'Daniel is going to marry Shirley!' She instantly grew pale at the thought of this.

Seeing that she opened her eyes, Caspar came to her bedside, and asked, "Are you feeling better, Janet?"

Janet sat up in bed and looked at Caspar. "I want to go back to C Country."


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