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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 219

The man that was standing in front of her had a long beard and long hair, and Janet could've possibly recognized him only from behind.

"You want me to go? But Bill, I just got here." Janet then walked a few steps forward.

Bill reached out his right hand to stop her, and said, "Jane, please don't come over here."

He had become a disabled man; there were many things that he couldn't do by himself, and he didn't want Janet to see what he looked like now.

Outside the hallway

Charles rested his last shred of hope on Janet. After all, Bill had loved Janet for a long time.

Joyce Han was very curious, and asked, "Grandpa, who is this woman?"

Charles was standing outside the hallway with a stick in his hand. He stared at the closed door, and quietly said, "Samuel's daughter, your brother and cousin's great love."

Joyce was so surprised that her mouth was wide open. The woman was really pretty, but wasn't he exaggerating a bit? Both her brother and her cousin had loved her?

"Oh! Her name is Jane, isn't it? Bill talked about her a lot before."

A long time ago, Bill had talked about a girl named Jane almost everyday.

Charles nodded.

'And Brian loved her too?' She felt it was unbelievable.

'Just because she was pretty?' Brain wasn't that shallow.

"I'm going back to my room. Joyce, ask Janet to meet me when they've finished talking."

"Okay, grandpa." After Joyce helped Charles walk back to his room, she waited for Janet downstairs.

In Bill's room

Janet walked to the window and drew back the curtains to let some light into the messy room. Bill wasn't pleased with this, and said, "Jane, stop it. Draw the curtains back as they were."

Bill was looking much more pinched now, and Janet walked up to Bill, and stared straight into his eyes.

"Jane..." There were mixed feelings in Bill's eyes, both sadness, and delight.

Janet held Bill in her arms, and the empty sleeve of his shirt was pressed between them.

She softly said, "I'm sorry, Bill."

Bill was confused, and was jus about to pull away from her embrace.

"If it were not for me, Daniel wouldn't have sent you to Africa. You wouldn't have lost your arm, " said Janet.

Bill shook his head and held her back with his right arm.

"Jane, that's not your fault. I don't blame you." Bill had stayed there of his own free will.

"You sacrificed an arm to save the lives of others. Bill, you are a hero, don't do this to yourself." Janet took Bill's right hand, and together they sat on the edge of the bed, looking out the window.

Many people had told him the exact same words, but he just couldn't think it through.

He clearly understood what Janet meant. Bill nodded his head, and asked, "Jane, do I look ugly?"

Janet glanced at his beard and nodded her head.

He felt disappointed, and the cheerfulness in his eyes disappeared. Even Janet felt ashamed of him now.

Janet chuckled, and said, "It's not because you lost your arm that I think you look ugly. Oh, just look at your hair and your beard, Bill, I've never seen you this ugly and messy before."

This was true. Before the accident, Bill was always clean and neat, and he had used hair gel, and had worn red, sexy sport coats on him...

Janet continued, "I'm telling you the truth. You lost your arm because you were saving lives. Even without your left arm, you're still the handsomest soldier I know."

Bill's eyes filled with tears, and while holding Janet's hand, he said, "I wanted to contact you when I came back, but I was told that you weren't home. I just thought that you didn't want to be friends with me anymore because of my disability."


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