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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 224

Sally immediately nodded, and replied, "Okay, thanks, but most importantly, ask your father to buy your mother some toys."

Melissa nodded, and then turned around to look at the salesclerk. While pointing at a toy elephant, she said, "Please help me wrap it!"


After she had finished talking on the phone, Melissa had already selected a lot of toys, and she was going to bring them to her mother and sister according to Sally's suggestion.

When Daniel and Melissa left the shop, the same toys that they had earlier bought had now been sold out in just a couple of minutes.

They then returned to Pearl Spring, where two servants were waiting for them inside the living room.

The No. 8 villa in Pearl Spring was a house that Harry had initially given to Lola. Later on, when learning that Daniel was often going there, Lola had given Daniel the key to it.

The house had been redecorated two years ago and was also looked after pretty well, still looking like a brand new house.

After the bodyguard gave the servants all of the stuff that Daniel and Melissa had bought, he left.

Daniel went upstairs, with his daughter in his arms. He was going to help her take a bath and then cuddle her to sleep.

These last couple of days while he was in D City, Daniel had helped his daughter take baths, had lulled her to sleep, and had told her stories... He had done all of these things.

After the servant filled the bathtub with water, Daniel placed his daughter inside it.

Melissa, who was playing with the bubbles, suddenly asked Daniel, "Father, do you want to have one more child?"

"Um?" Have one more child?

If Janet would've given birth to one more baby who was as cute as Melissa was, of course he wanted to have another child!

"Well, if there's another kid, who is the same as me, would you still want that?" Melissa, who was very smart, cautiously asked Daniel.

"Of course I would want that! I'm very fond of kids!" answered Daniel. He was willing to father a lot of children, as long as their mother was Janet, his beloved woman.

At that moment he only thought of Janet, ignoring the mischievous expression glimmering in his daughter's eyes.

After Daniel finished helping Melissa take her bath, they began to take photos. Daniel then sent the photos of him and Melissa to Janet, since Melissa had urged him to do so.

But Janet simply replied to him with two words, "Get away!"

When he saw her message, Daniel was livid, and really wanted to put Janet on his blocked contacts list.

In fact, only Janet knew what to do with the sent photo, and when she received it, she immediately saved it on her phone...

Later, Melissa asked Daniel to make a video call to Janet, and Daniel helped her send a video request to her, and then went to get some water for her.

When seeing her daughter, Janet smiled, and her dimples could be easily seen. With a deep look in his eyes, Daniel, who was drinking a glass of water, stared at her.

She hadn't smiled at him like that for a long time...

Daniel swirled the water in the cup and then put it close to his daughter.

When she saw a tall man appearing in the call, Janet felt a little nervous, and her breath intensified.

After she drank her water, Melissa picked up the phone and put the phone camera in front of Daniel, letting him face the phone screen. She asked, "Daddy, do you think that mommy is beautiful?"

When hearing their daughter, both Daniel and Janet, who were looking at each other, were left a little stunned.

Janet had just taken a shower and was dressed in a light purple pajama. With her long hair hanging loose, she was very beautiful.

"She isn't as beautiful as your other aunties, " said Daniel. He coldly uttered these words against his will.

Melissa was unhappy, and asked, "Daddy, which auntie is more beautiful than mommy?"

Daniel went away from the phone's camera, and while placing the glass of water on the table, he said, "Every auntie is more beautiful than her."

After she heard these words, Melissa became very angry with him, and seriously said, "Daddy, you're wrong. My mommy is the most beautiful woman in the whole world!"

Daniel, who was standing in a place where Janet couldn't see him, slightly smiled, and nodded.

Janet didn't know what Daniel had talked to Melissa, but now Melissa was happy again. She said, "Mommy, I want both you and daddy to take me out and play!"

Other kids were always going out to play with their parents, but she and her sister could only be looked after either by their father, or their mother, one at a time. When she thought of this, she felt very distressed.


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