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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 250

When Janet returned, she had to deal with many issues, some of them being Shirley Zheng and the Tianye Men.

Because of their intricacy, these were the only two issues which Janet didn't want to deal with.

She fell asleep, and Daniel's phone rang.

Janet opened her eyes, and saw an unknown number on the phone's display.

Daniel frowned, because Janet had woken up.

Without using a bluetooth headset, she answered the phone by using its loud speaker.

"Daniel." A sexy voice came from the other end of the line. Although Janet didn't know who she was, she did know that the woman seemed to be quite familiar with Daniel.

After this happened, Janet couldn't sleep at all.

Daniel searched for something in the glove compartment and found his Bluetooth headset.

Unconsciously, Janet became very angry, and she quickly took off his headset.

Daniel looked forward; he knew how Janet's reactions were even when he didn't turn his head to look at her.

He answered lightly, "Speak."

"Daniel, I'm back in C Country. Where are you now?" The woman's voice sounded excited.

Daniel hesitated for a moment, and answered, "I'm not downtown at the moment."

"When are you coming back? I'll be waiting for you."

"I'm not sure, but you do your own business. Don't wait up for me."

Unconsciously, Janet said, "After a two hours' drive, Daniel will be in the downtown area."

The woman on the phone was then suddenly quiet, but after a short while, she asked, "Who are you?"

"Well, who are you?"

Janet asked the same question.

"I'm... Daniel's girlfriend."

After he heard her answer, Daniel frowned, distressed. He had planned to hang up the phone but was quickly stopped by Janet.

"What a coincidence this is indeed! I'm his girlfriend too. What's your name?" 'Daniel's girlfriend? Girlfriend!' This word made Janet quite furious, and made her want to beat the woman to a pulp if she was in front of her.

When Janet answered the phone, Daniel's hand, held by Janet's, touched her chest.

Janet blushed. She stared at Daniel and then put his hand on the steering wheel.

Looking at the phone, she cleared her throat, and instead tried to act sexy, and said, "Daniel, stop tickling me!"

Daniel looked at Janet, who was proud about her mischievous trick.

"My name is Sabina Fan, do you know me?"

Janet had known Daniel for such a long time, and in turn had heard her name for many times. But this was the first time talking to her.

Janet answered her question quickly, "No, I actually don't. Daniel never mentioned of your name before."

At the same time, she was furiously staring at Daniel, who was driving.

Just a bad romance, why did Daniel have so many bad romances?

OMG! His affair with Shirley Zheng had not even ended yet, and another 'girlfriend', Sabina, came out of the closet. Janet felt that she had a blurry future with Daniel...

"Okay, then, let me introduce myself. I am Daniel's first love, and I am inside No. 9 mansion now..."

"Sabina Fan!" Daniel's cold words interrupted Sabina.

But Janet grabbed his shirt's sleeves, and said, "Please go on, I'm listening!"

No. 9 mansion? Didn't Daniel say to Janet that he had never brought any other woman there except for her? Hehe...


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