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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 254

Sabina was so furious that she bit her lower lip, while Daniel stood still, without uttering a single word.

After she saw what they were doing, Shirley walked up to Sabina and said, "Miss Sabina, I will take you to the hotel first."

Sabina felt resentful, so she slapped Shirley across the face. "Screw you!"

What she did shocked both Shirley and Janet.

Sabina had a more violent temper than Janet.

"Miss Sabina, what are you doing?" Shirley touched her cheek, her eyes filling with tears.

Daniel still kept silent. He didn't want to get involved in the fight among these women.

If Janet wasn't the one getting beaten or bullied, he wouldn't want to intervene.

"What am I doing? I can't stand your face!" said Sabina. She was enraged, and if Daniel wasn't here today, she would've done the same to Janet.

When she saw Shirley slapped by Sabina, Janet felt a little sorry for her. But she immediately shook her head and dismissed that thought. Why would she pity Shirley?

"Mr. Si, I'm a hardworking employee of your company. Would you let this woman continue doing this to me?" Shirley turned to Daniel for help.

Daniel wanted to end it all as soon as possible, so he coldly looked at Sabina and Shirley and said, "I'm telling you this one last time. Both of you, get out!" he said.

Shirley hurriedly left the villa, crying.

Sabina suddenly tried to yank Janet, but Janet dodged her by reflex.

"Come over here! I'm going to teach you a lesson!" shouted Sabina.

Janet thought that Sabina might be this violent because she had stayed with her ex-husband for a long time.

"You want to teach me a lesson?" Janet laughed.

She then looked at Daniel and said, "Look at her, Mr. Si. I don't think you have good taste in women. How could you like someone so foolish?"

Annoyed, Daniel wrapped his arms around Janet's waist and said, "How about my affection for you? I must be as blind as a bat, right?"

"How could you say that! I'm not foolish. You are!" shouted Sabina. She pulled Janet away from Daniel's arms.

Janet coldly looked at her and angrily warned her, "If you dare touch me again, you're going to regret it!"

When she saw Sabina's photo a long time ago, Janet had the impression that she was a gentle and generous woman.

She didn't expect that she was this brutal and unreasonable!

Sabina ran over to Daniel and put her arms around his waist. "Daniel, I've already admitted that it was my fault. I want to come back to you. Please don't turn me down, " she said.

Back in the day, Daniel rebelled against his father. He only took a bit more than a hundred thousand dollars and left the Si family.

Sabina didn't expect that he could succeed with only that amount of money.

Instead of Daniel, she was forced by her family to marry the richest man of Green Cold Country afterward.

When she saw Sabina hug her man, Janet grabbed Sabina's wrist and drew her to the door.

She then opened the villa's door and pushed Sabina outside the villa.

Toward the luggage. Sabina fell out of balance and squatted down on her luggage. Janet looked down on her and warned, "There are more than ten bodyguards over there. If you dare enter the house, I will serve you to them!"

Sabina looked toward the direction where Janet pointed and saw that many bodyguards, who were dressed in black suits and black shirts, stood near the villa.

'If Janet gives me to them...' When she thought of this, Sabina shivered and decided to surrender.

Her father's company was supported by her uncle, but in fact it had already faced bankruptcy. She had no one to turn to anymore. With much resentment, Sabina pulled her luggage and left the villa.

Janet glared at her walking away, lost in thought.

Sabina certainly wouldn't give up so easily. When she thought of this, Janet wondered whether she should stay closer to Daniel to make Sabina completely give up all hope.


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