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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 272

Janet had thought that Daniel would be sad, or angry, but instead Daniel said nothing.

Janet ate all the food on her plate and was full.

After she wiped her mouth, she said, "Caspar did all the things that you were supposed to do in the last three years."

As he quietly drank his soup, Daniel still said nothing.

Janet looked at him carefully. But he was calm, and had no changes in his expression.


Forget about it. I have to show Daniel how nice Caspar really is!' she thought.

"After I had left C Country, and arrived into Z Country, Caspar was willing to help me during the hardest time in my life. Caspar took me to his villa, and gave me the chance to live like a princess, just like before.

He was at my side especially, when I... when I gave birth. It was him who had accompanied me, and had waited for me outside the delivery room. He was really nice to me."

Janet couldn't help but shed tears. Daniel then put down the bowl and wiped his mouth, and looked at her.

"I had problems giving birth... Because our child was big and heavy, I was in labor for eight hours." Since tears had filled her eyes, Janet wasn't sure whether Daniel really wanted to hear this.

She didn't notice that Daniel had grabbed the wine glass tight in his hand.

"Caspar had asked the doctor to give me a cesarean, but I refused."

She had thought that a mother should be strong, and after being in labor until six o'clock in tomorrow morning, she had finally given birth to the twins.

But she had lost all of her memories in the process, and she couldn't figure out why.

She didn't blame that Caspar and Croft had made her the boss of the Tianye Men.

No matter how dangerous it was, she had decided to take over the gang's leadership. She thought that this was some kind of reward for Caspar's good deeds.

"Caspar had taken care of both me, and Melissa, after she was born." He had hired three baby-sitters, and Janet had learned a lot from them.

All the people felt that Caspar had treated them just like he would have treated his own children. Her children had had everything that they needed. And all the things were of the best kind, and of premium quality, and she had to admit that she had abandoned herself for a while in his gentleness.

If Caspar hadn't said that the children weren't his, she must have been mistaken Caspar as being her... husband.

But she had always remembered the man who had loved and cared about her very much.

After she recalled everything, she now finally knew who that man actually was. He was Daniel.

Thanks for Caspar, she quickly recovered in all areas.

Even when her period came, she wasn't in pain anymore during the first couple of days. She had thought that maybe Caspar had helped her in also keeping a good health.

Then her children slowly grew up, and looked like Daniel very much. Daniel was known to anyone, since he had always appeared on the front cover of various financial magazines.

Caspar had also asked her whether she knew Daniel.

But she had said no, because she had forgotten all the things about him. Then, Caspar put away all the magazines about Daniel.

Caspar was just as busy as Daniel was. He was the general manager of Qiao Group, and also had to lead the Tianye Men.

He was always working until midnight, and had often gone on business trips. He was as busy as Daniel.

But despite all that, he could often find some time to spend with her and her children.


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