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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 284

Janet shook her head, and said, "Forget about me! You go first!" She too would try to find some means of escape out of this.

Only when they saw that Janet's neck had been pinched by the knife, and was slightly bleeding, did the bodyguards leave the alley.

Janet was then taken into a car, and inside it, Hobson complacently sat beside her.

The moment they left the alley, more than a dozen cars led by Daniel started to chase after them.

Tracking Janet's cell phone, Daniel followed closely to them all the way.

In the car

Casually leaning against the backseat, Hobson played with a cigarette in his hand, and said, "Miss Janet, who would have thought that you'd end up in my grasp! Haha, I'm so happy at the thought of it."

The man suddenly burst out laughing, and his unbridled, mischievous laughter lasted for a long time.

After the driver looked in the rear-view mirror and saw that a dozen cars were following them from behind, he hastily reported to his boss. He knew that they weren't Black Moon. "Boss, we're being followed!"

But Hobson didn't care at all, and said, "Throw them off!"

"Yes, boss!"

Janet silently looked outside the window, and didn't pay any attention to what Hobson was saying.

She was wondering who was coming to her rescue.

"Boss, I failed to throw them off! I thought that I already did earlier, but they caught up with us again!" said the driver.

Hobson stared at Janet with a pair of sharp eyes, and intended to grab the handbag from her hand.

Janet, of course, didn't want to give it to him, and asked, "Why do you want to take my handbag away? You can't even afford it if you'll stain it with your dirty fingers."

The handbag had been sent by Spark from a store not that long ago. It had been a gift from Daniel.

More importantly, if she wasn't guessing wrong, the cars behind them were Daniel's. She had almost managed to get through with a phone call to him.

She wouldn't let Hobson find her cell phone that was calling Daniel.

"Bitch! Give me the bag!" He forcefully grabbed the bag from her.

Janet was about to take it back, but then Hobson coldly said, "If you don't care about yourself, won't you at least care about your children?"

Hearing the threat in his words, Janet gave up.

Luckily, her cell phone had already been locked and had a black screen when it was taken out the bag.

But Hobson wasn't stupid; he checked the call logs and found that the last call was put out to Daniel, which was exactly what he thought.

He looked at the call time, and it showed that the call had been put out while they were earlier in the alley.

"Damn it!" Hobson opened the car window and threw the cell phone into an artificial lake they were passing by.

When Daniel followed the GPS tracking to the artificial lake, only then did he know that Janet's cell phone had been discovered and thrown away.

He took out his own phone and dialed a number, and coldly commanded, "Check the location of the Black Moon's main headquarters as well as Hobson's address!"

This Hobson guy was a ticking time bomb!

Another car stopped beside Daniel's, and a man dressed in a hospital gown got out of it; it turned out to be Caspar. "Where's Janet?" he asked.

From the moment Janet had gotten into trouble, some of the bodyguards had asked for help from the gangster. When he found out what had happened, he immediately took several other bodyguards and rushed to the alley.

However, just the same as Daniel, when they got there, they had already left the scene.

Daniel was actually so furious to see Caspar that he wanted to punch him in the face when he saw him, but he gradually calmed down.

Daniel coldly said, "She was taken away by Hobson! If you know where Hobson might have taken her, you'd better take us there right now!" If Janet turned out to be all right this time, he decided that he would say nothing more to her, except making her leave the Tianye Men forever, and return to C Country.

But, if something were to happen to Janet...

Daniel violently hammered against the car's hood with his fist. If something wrong were to happen to Janet, he would slaughter the whole Black Moon gang!


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