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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 301

"Don't touch me! I won't do it!" Janet screamed as she was still hallucinating and treated Daniel as the masked old man with gray hair.

Shirley was startled to see Janet like this and thought, 'What had made Janet... so upset?'

"Jane, it's me! Jane..." Although Janet kept on struggling, Daniel managed to hold her in his arms.

He caught a glimpse of the wine glass on the floor and the red wine stain on the grayish white carpet.

Red wine?

Daniel kept on comforting Janet. He held her face with both his hands and tried to focus her eyes on him.

"Daniel!" When she saw Daniel, Janet instantly felt relieved. She leaned against his chest and began to cry.

Daniel waved to Shirley who stood behind him, gesturing her to leave the office, so she did.

When the office door closed, Daniel carried Janet in his arms and took her to the resting room.

After he pacified her for a couple of minutes, Janet's pale face started to look better.

"I... will listen to you from now on... I don't want to go back to that cave any longer..." She continued sobbing and stammering.

Daniel kissed her long hair and said, "Don't worry. Even if you don't listen to me, I won't let you out of my sight."

It was all his fault.

But he didn't know which cave she was talking about.

He had asked people to check the Wangfeng Cliff, but they didn't find anything.

"What should I do? What am I going to do? I don't want to remember what I had gone through, but I can't help it..." Janet wiped her tears and wondered if she should tell Daniel everything.

Daniel pulled her to his chest and said, "I'm right here. Don't think about it too much. But Jane, you can feel more relaxed if you tell me what's wrong."

He didn't want her to bear those extremely horrific memories alone.

As she heard Daniel's heartbeat through his chest, Janet closed her eyes and stayed silent for a while. It was gradually getting dark outside. She then started to speak, "Daniel, I once said that I don't deserve you because... I had taken drugs."

He knew this already, so he gently comforted her, "You're already sober. It's okay."

He thought that she still deserved him even if she had done that sort of thing. After all, it wasn't her fault.

She didn't say anything anymore. She just wanted to stay in his arms for as long as she could.

She wrapped her arms around his waist, and with her trembling lips, she uttered, "They wanted to train me to be a killer. They brainwashed me and forced me to kill Caspar and Dillon..."

'Train her to be a killer? It's not that easy to become an assassin!' thought Daniel.

An assassin's training required her to experience all kinds of ordeals, so that she could enhance her physical strength, endurance, and ability to take on pressure...

While he thought of this, there was a resentful gleam in his eyes.

"From the beginning, I wasn't willing to do it. I didn't cooperate with them. So they began to whip me, and my clothes were even..." She felt embarrassed to continue.

Her clothes were torn at that time. They didn't even give her any medicine, or a change of clothes. They even threatened that if she didn't comply, they would force her to...

When she saw three men approach her, Janet started to realize that they were serious.

To protect her body, she had to grit her teeth, nod, and obey them.

The masked old man with gray hair hired a doctor to treat the injuries on her body and her high fever.


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