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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 311

Emma Gu then seemed to have thought of something, and she began to search inside her handbag. She then took out something from it, and while handing it to Janet, she said, "This is the first time I meet with you, and I haven't had the chance to prepare any good present for you. This bracelet..."

But before she finished her words, she suddenly drew her hand back.

'Forget about it! Janet Shao is living in a wealthy family, and she won't like this unworthy and cheap bracelet, ' thought Emma.

After she had put the bracelet back inside her handbag, Emma smiled, and said, "Let's go back!"


Speechless, Janet looked at her back, and followed her.

Wearing a thoughtful expression on her face, Janet returned to the room. Daniel noticed the look on her face, and thought, 'She looks different from what she did before leaving to the toilet.'

When she was seated back to his side, Daniel gripped her hand, and asked, "What's wrong? Tell me!"

But it wasn't convenient to discuss the event here, and Janet whispered to his ear, "I'll tell you later when we go back home!"

Daniel grinned, and said, "Okay."

All the bosses present there at the meeting had noticed their sweet interactions, and now they were all trying to keep Janet's face in their minds.

They had to keep in mind that this woman was Daniel's beloved woman, and in case that they might meet with her somewhere in the future, they had to treat her with courtesy.

There were a lot of business affairs for them to discuss tonight. When Janet went out to the lady's room again, Daniel followed her out.

"Is it too boring for you? How about I ask Shirley to drive you back first?" asked Daniel.

He leaned her against the corridor's wall, and put his hand through her long locks of hair.

"No, I'll wait for you, " said Janet. She had nothing else to do when she was back home, because one of her daughters was taken care by Lola, and another was at the old house. She didn't need to look after her children at the moment.

"Okay then, I'll try to wrap it up as soon as possible!" Daniel had drunk a little liquor, and he dragged her by her hand and walked towards the toilet.

At around ten o'clock at night

Daniel cut their talk short, and in the end told Emma, "Miss Gu, let's see each other in the company tomorrow!"

Emma Gu would now be working in the SL Group.

"Mr. Si, thank you very much!" replied Emma.

When they came out of the hotel, Shirley drove the car to them, and Mr. Huang personally opened the back seat door for Daniel, but Daniel let Janet get in the car first.

He bid farewell to all the other people, and then got in the car.

When the car stopped in front of Daniel's mansion No. 9, he suddenly said to Shirley, "Miss Shirley, go and report to the human resources department tomorrow. Also, you're promoted to department director."

Shirley's heart trembled, and started to beat faster.


That was a higher position than the one being his secretary. On the surface, she seemed to be happy to have been promoted to a higher position with a greater salary.

But in actuality, Daniel had promoted her to get her away from him.

'Is it because of Janet?' thought Shirley.

Hearing his sudden arrangement, Janet didn't say anything, but instead kept playing with the man's fingers.

'Good, you finally take action to get away from this wicked woman, who was always trying to get close to you, ' thought Janet.

"Mr. Si... I've been doing on this position... quite well, and I don't..." Feeling distressed, Shirley stammered with a hoarse voice to plead with him to change his idea.

But Daniel said in a plain voice, "I don't want to make Jane feel the slightest bit unhappy!"

... Janet was shocked by his words, and looked at the man. 'He's spoken out these words in such a straightforward manner! Isn't he afraid of hurting her feelings?' wondered Janet.

Shirley turned around her head and looked at Janet, and with a pitiful look in her eyes, said, "Janet, I don't want to go to the human resources department. Please, can I not go? I promise you that I'll keep a distance from Mr. Si from now on!"

Janet coldly smiled, and thought, 'As Daniel's secretary, how could you not keep a distance from him?'

"It's no use talking to me about it. I'm not in the SL Group staff!" said Janet. She didn't give a single glance at Shirley's pitiful look.


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