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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 313

He heard her say, "And I won't go either. Just go by yourself, and I'll take Bill to KTV." Since he had lost one of his arms, Bill hadn't had even one friend. What a poor guy he was!

Daniel was almost driven crazy by her judgment.

After another two minutes, Daniel said, "If you want him to see how much we love each other, then just let him go too."

Janet rolled her eyes, and repeated her words again. "And I won't go either. Just go by yourself, and I'll take Bill to KTV.

… Bill! Bill! By now, Daniel wanted to throw Bill into the sea as shark food.

He gloomily warned Janet, "Janet, don't ever try to challenge me."

Janet felt wronged, and said, "I told you that in advance, didn't I? Besides, Bill and I are only good friends. Why won't you let him come together with us?"

"Then please answer my former question, if you'll be happy if I bring a female friend along with us, " asked Daniel.

"No, I'll be angry." answered Janet without hesitating.

Daniel was satisfied with her answer.

"But still, I'll let her go together with us, if she only had one arm and no other friends…"

… Daniel was speechless.

At that moment he had really wanted to take another woman along with them, to let Janet feel what he was feeling.

After they entered the villa, Daniel went upstairs first and Janet immediately followed him after changing her shoes.

"Darling…" seductively said Janet.

Daniel ignored her and walked upstairs in silence. Jane didn't give up, and continued, "Darling, my darling Daniel… Sweetheart… Honey…"

Finally, Daniel stopped at bedroom door, and musingly looked at the woman in front of him who was wearing an ingratiating smile all over her face.

He playfully said, "Maybe I'll change my mind if you have sex with me and make me happy again."

Janet wanted to… curse him.

But, it was acceptable, since Daniel was, after all, the father of her twins. She smiled tenderly at him, and then went on to put her arms around his neck.

"It's a deal!" said Janet.

Daniel held her wasp waist, and in a deep voice, said, "Okay."

Of course, he wouldn't let go of the lovely woman who had offered to have sex with him, even if it was because of that damn Bill.

Janet seductively called him, "Oh, my darling!"

Daniel raised his eyebrows at her; Janet was doing so well for Bill's sake.

Daniel replied in a hoarse voice, which sounded also very sexy, "Sweetie."

Janet murmured to herself, "Having sex with him is no big deal. I'll just do it like I've done before."

She tiptoed and was about to kiss Daniel on his thin lips, but she then quickly gave up because he was too tall for her and refused to lower his head.

"Are you kidding me?" Janet let go of his neck and started to complain.

With his eyes filled with joy, Daniel took her hand and walked her to the bedroom.

Janet squinted at the sofa next to her and then sat down on it. While tapping her fingers on the sofa's arm, she lazily said, "Here, on the sofa? On the balcony? Or in the bathroom? Huh? Mr. Si?"

Daniel threw his tie next to her, but when he heard her questions, his right hand, with which he was already unbuttoning his shirt, suddenly stopped.

He looked at the woman, who was sluggishly leaning against the sofa and charmingly smiling at him.

This was such an obvious invitation.

His breathing involuntarily intensified at the wild thoughts that started flying into his mind. He beckoned her to come to him, and Janet obeyed and got up from the sofa. Her arms naturally fell around his waist.

"Janet, " said Daniel.


"Unbutton my shirt." His big hand held the back of her head, and his eyes fell straight on her voluptuous red lips.

"Okay, " replied Janet.


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