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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 323

'How can he throw his cards away? He must have gone crazy!' thought Janet.

"Jane, you should understand that all of my money is for my wife and my daughter!" He fondly stared at her. He wanted to give the cards to her three years ago, when they discussed about the wedding.

Even then, he had already made up his mind to put her in-charge of the family finances. He also knew that Janet would refuse, but he had a plan to make her agree.

However, she disappeared before he could do anything...

Janet lowered her head and softly murmured, "But I am not your wife..."

"You will be, sooner or later! You are mine!"


His persistence finally made her compromise. Janet took the cards back and put them in her purse, one by one.

Janet pointed at her purse and said, "Happy? Now, I have to go!"

Daniel was speechless.

Watching her dart into the dark, Daniel slowly shook his head, confused. He wondered what on earth did he do to scare her away.

Never mind. Let her be for now.

Daniel instructed his bodyguard to follow her, while he stayed in the living room and sent her a text message, saying, "Jane, from now on, you don't have to bother your parents for money anymore."

Jane briskly walked all the way to her villa, as if to escape from Daniel's house.

She then heard a sound from her phone, so she took it out and read the text.

... "I will pay them back anyway!" She was not bluffing. She planned to pay her father for all the expenses he had helped her with.

"Do you think your parents would accept your money?"

Janet slowed her pace and strolled by the road, passing street lamps by. She kept thinking about Daniel's message. Her parents had never touched the money she had left them before she ran away to C Country.

"My father does not lack money!" She quickly typed the message and sent it.

Daniel stared at his phone in silence. Jane was right. Samuel was pretty much well-off.

"I know that, but he saved his money for his grandchild's future, not for you!"

Immediately, he got a reply from her. Janet's message read, "My father's money is enough for both me and his grandchild!"

"Why you have to leech off your parents? Why can't you leech off your husband?"

Daniel was begging for her to live off him. How stubborn could she get!

"That can wait. I can leech off my husband once I get married!" This time, Janet's message came with a smiley emoji.

"But we are already married! You may start leeching on me now."

... Janet burst into laughter when she read his last message. Daniel must have really gone crazy.

She replied, "Okay. Fine. I get your point. I will take our daughter shopping tomorrow..."

She also added, "Using your cards!"

Daniel took off his shirt as he smiled at his phone. Janet clearly did not believe him that they had already tied the knot!

He really needed to show her the wedding certificate. It was the only way he could prove it to her.

"My love, I miss you. I'll pick you up." He sat down on the sofa and waited for her reply.

Janet opened the door and found no one inside. The whole villa was pitch black. Everyone was still in the hospital, looking after Sally.

She went inside and changed into her comfortable pajamas and slippers.

When she peeped at her phone, she saw that Daniel wanted to come over and pick her up.

"No need. We both should rest. I will also have a busy day tomorrow. If I have time, I will come and see you in the evening!"


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