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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 326

Daniel had not called Janet all day long, so he was sure that she must have already been mad at him. He knew her so well, so he thought of ways on how to woo her when he got back.

Daniel could not help but laugh when he thought of how she would look! Her brows would be furrowed and her lips pouted. She'd look like a stubborn but cute kid.

Daniel was trapped in the cave until noontime of the next day. A helicopter came to take away several big rocks that had blocked the cave and rescued Daniel.

"We are sorry, Mr. Si! We are late!" said the rescuers who were sincerely apologizing upon seeing Daniel.

Daniel didn't care; he was preoccupied with his thoughts.. When he looked at the destroyed cave, he thought about how smart the enemy was.

All the clues that he had obtained were all vanished because of the explosion.

But he knew clearly that Hobson from the Black Moon Gang was the man behind this.

After letting the police of Z Country investigate the cave, Daniel went to the hotel, charged his phone, and took a shower.

After settling in, he turned on his phone and, as expected, saw several missed calls from Janet.

Daniel dried his hair with a towel and was about to call back, but he heard Janet's voice message from WeChat.

His face darkened after hearing it. He immediately dialed Janet's number.

But she wasn't answering...

She must have really meant it!

Daniel logged in WeChat and sent her a message, "Jane! How dare you! Call me back as soon as you see this message!"

But, Janet didn't really mean it.

At this moment, she was busy accompanying the twins and her great-grandmother in Jerry's room. She left her phone downstairs.

Sally didn't want to stay in the hospital, so she continued her recovery in the villa.

"Sally, don't go outside! Don't catch a cold! Don't take a shower! Understood?" Melody kept telling Sally about what she shouldn't do while recovering. Sally was terrified with all the things she couldn't do.

"Great-Grandma, why are there so many don'ts? she whined.

Melody chuckled and said, "These customs have been tried and tested for so many generations. We have to follow them. You'd better not play hooky. Just lie in bed for a month!"

She could tell that Sally was very much like Janet, who always wanted to go out of the house.

Sally frowned and said, "Okay! I will deal with it for a month."

Then, Sally's phone rang. She looked at the phone and said, "Hey Bro!"

Knowing that Daniel was on the phone, Janet immediately looked at Sally.

But before she thought much about it, she heard Sally say, "She is here... Hold on. Jane, it's for you!"

Janet didn't take the phone immediately because she didn't want to talk to him... However, she didn't want great-grandmother to worry about her relationship with Daniel, so she walked to Sally and took the phone from her. "Hello."

Ella brought a bowl of soup she just cooked and came in. After taking a look at the twins, Janet walked towards the balcony.

"Are you busy?" asked Daniel, with one hand massaging his sore eyebrows. He had been trapped in the cave last night, so he hadn't had any sleep.

"Yes, " answered Janet, indifferently.

Hearing her unhappy voice, Daniel hastily explained, "I came to Z Country for business yesterday morning and then my phone ran out of power. I was busy all night long, so I didn't call you. But the moment I turned on my phone this morning, you were the first thing on my mind."

"Busy all night long? What were you busy with?" If he told her that it was about business, she would believe him.

Daniel didn't want her to worry about him, so he didn't tell her what really happened. He just said, "Just some work stuff. I will have to stay in Z Country for several more days."

Work stuff? Okay. She wanted to believe him, but she was still suspicious about it.

"Were you with Mr. Li?" she inquired. She remembered that Daniel once told her that he was ready to hand over the company in Z Country to Colin.

"Not him. I was with others."


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