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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 329

Hobson promised her, "Yes, Sabina, from now on! I'll take you with me everywhere I go, every day. Be a good girl now..." Afraid that she wouldn't believe him, Hobson then got out of the bed.

He grabbed his trousers from the floor and took his wallet out, and handed her a credit card.

"You have five million dollars on this card. Spend it however you like!" Hobson was beyond generous with women.

Restraining her excitement, she took the credit card, but pretended to be angry, and confronted him again. "What do you mean by this? I'm not earning money with my body!" After she said that, she threw the card on the ground.

If Sabina had easily given herself to him, Hobson would have suspected that something was wrong.

But now, when he saw her reaction, all of his suspicions were gone.

He coaxed her, "No, of course not. Sabina, you'll be my woman after tonight! And if anyone ever dare to hurt you, he or she will become my enemy!" Finishing his words, Hobson then anxiously pressed on her again and didn't give her any chance to say anything.

The night steadily grew deeper.

At Mansion No. 8, Janet read the WeChat message that Daniel had sent earlier. 'This shameless man, he fooled me! He's so wicked!' she thought.

She was hesitant whether she should call him or not, but then her phone suddenly rang.

In Z Country, Daniel had to stop carrying out his plans, because Hobson had left Z Country.

His men had seen Hobson in Z Country the day before, but unexpectedly, he had flown to C Country the morning after.

Daniel had come back to the hotel, and before handling his work, he decided to call Janet.

"Jane, what're you doing now?" he asked.

Janet was actually thinking about Daniel, but she was too shy to say the words 'missing you'!

She said instead, "I'm missing someone!"

"Who?" he asked. He was about to switch on his notebook, but stopped.

"A man!" answered Janet.

"That must be me!" Daniel said this in an affirmative tone. After that, he switched his notebook on, and typed his password.

Janet teased him, "Why are you so narcissistic? What if I am thinking about some other man?"

"If you dare to miss another man, I'll fly back right now and punish you!" warned Daniel.


All of a sudden, Janet's face flushed red. "Daniel, you shameless man!"

"Yes, thank you for your compliment!" 'I don't care about being shameless in front of only you!' thought Daniel.


"I have something to tell you." Daniel's voice then suddenly became serious. Although he was far away from her, Janet could still feel his strong leadership aura over the phone.

Now they seemed to be having a formal chat...

As if she were one of his staff, she said with respect, "Yes, Mr. Si, please tell me!"

Daniel tittered, "Don't be naughty."

"I'm not naughty. I'm listening to the leader's instructions!" replied Janet.


While he was tapping the desk with his index finger, he thought that if he was at her side right now, he would've... kissed her again, and again!

He then said, "Hobson flew to C Country this morning. I'm not there for the following two days, so stay at home, and don't go about anywhere. Understand?"

Since Hobson was not in Z Country, Daniel had intended to take this opportunity to probe deeply into the Black Moon gang and get more information about the cave.

He had a feeling that Hobson's grandfather had something to do with the cave.

"Okay, Mr. Si!" Janet's tone was still formal and serious. She almost wanted to give him a respectful salute.

Daniel now had a strong craving for her, and he said, "Jane, I really want to touch you..."

Janet nearly jumped up, because now he was outrageously flirting with her.


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