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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 331

Janet Shao did as Daniel Si had told her. For the first few days she had stayed at home and had taken care of Sally Si and her son, while spending the evenings talking with Daniel over the phone. Everything seemed to be very normal.

On the fourth day after Daniel had left, Janet unexpectedly received a call from Sabina Fan. Sabina asked her out for coffee, because she wanted to apologize to Janet for her misconduct. When this happened, Janet was astonished by her sudden change in character.

"You don't have to do this, Miss Sabina; I don't know you well." She refused her straightaway.

Sabina paused for a moment, and then softly said, "Miss Janet, don't take me wrong. My mother told me that it was you who had asked Daniel to save us, and I owe you my thanks. I just want to be grateful, that's all."

"Miss Sabina, you really don't need to..."

Sabina cut her off, and said, "Please, Janet, I've already promised my mother that I'll give up on Daniel." She continued, "She wanted me to do something to show our gratitude for your help. If I don't do that, then she will drive me away!" Her voice sounded miserable, as though she was about to weep.

Janet gave in to her, and a little impatient, asked, "Where do you want to meet?"

"How about the Old Tree Coffee shop in the city center? I like the coffee there, but... of course, if you have something else in mind." The miserable tone immediately left Sabina's voice when Janet agreed to see her.

She now seemed to sound delighted, but Janet didn't know why... Was there something lurking behind her sudden invitation?

Whatever the cause was, she thought that it might better to be on guard with her.

"That's fine. I'll be there soon." Hanging up the phone, Janet went back to the bedroom. Inside, Sally Si and Felix Shao, were still asleep.

Ella Bo and Lola Li were also putting the twins to sleep, each holding a twin in their arms.

As she walked towards the wardrobe, she said, "I'm going out for a while."

"Why?" asked Ella confused.

Janet thought for a while, and then decided to tell them the truth. "I'm going to see Sabina."

Michelle had already fallen asleep, and Lola could now sit up from the bed. She walked up to Janet, and said, "Jane, Daniel isn't around. For your safety, you'd better keep away from her."

After the experience with Yolanda Mo, Lola had become less gullible than she used to be. The relationship between Sabina and Janet was just the same as hers with Yolanda.

Janet hesitated for a moment. Although she disliked Sabina, she found it hard to hate her mother.

So she assured Lola, "Don't worry, Daniel has assigned me a bodyguard. She will be with me and protect me in case something happens."

Lola felt a little relieved when she heard that, but she still felt a bit worried about her. She said, "Well, you'd better also tell Daniel about this."

Janet thought that Lola a little overreacting about this. For all she knew, Sabina's parents had divorced, and her uncle?had already been thrown into jail. Nobody could back her up now, and she wouldn't have the courage to do bad things again.

However, to show her respect, she decided to agree with her and call Daniel. "Okay, I'll call him."

After she changed her clothes, she walked out of the house along with her bodyguard.

Before starting the car she called Daniel, but nobody answered.

She called several times more, but he still didn't answer it. 'He must be busy, ' she thought.

She texted him, "I'm heading to a place to meet with your ex-girl friend."

After they at the coffee shop, they walked in together.

The waiter led them to a private room, and Janet instantly began to feel suspicious. Sabina didn't tell her that they were going to talk in a private room.

The door was then opened from inside, and Sabina was already sitting inside, waiting for her.


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