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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 336

Caspar dared to approach Janet. He then asked Daniel, "Why are you here just now? You're useless! It's too late!"

"What are you saying?" Daniel squinted at Caspar, his eyes gleaming with anger.

With a swollen face, Caspar sneered and said, "When Janet needed you, where were you? She was drugged, and only men could help her, but you weren't here to her rescue, so..."

Before he finished his words, Daniel grabbed his collar and gave him a ferocious stare. "So what?"

Janet was also shocked by Caspar's words. Sven just told her that he and Jerry had arrived in time to rescue her!

"So I saved Janet. Mr. Si, if you mind what had happen to her, you can give me Janet, and she can be with me."

Daniel angrily raised his fist, but Caspar did not let Daniel hit him again. After receiving a blow from Daniel just now, Caspar wouldn't let him have another one without putting up a fight.

Janet painfully rolled on the bed. After Sven gave her an injection, the drug effect had decreased, but she still felt uncomfortable.

Spark came back to the ward, out of breath. When he opened the ward door and saw the two men fighting, he was so shocked that he almost forgot to breathe.

He wondered if that man, who was indignantly shaking his fist, was really Mr. Si.

Janet felt very uncomfortable. She called out Daniel's name. But Daniel was so furious that he continued fighting with Caspar and wanted to beat him to death, ignoring Janet.

"Mr. Si, Mr. Si..." Spark immediately pulled both of them away from each other.

Unfortunately, Spark was accidentally punched by Daniel. He put his palm on his face, wincing in pain.

When he realized that he had hit Spark, Daniel came to his senses and grabbed the stuff from Spark's hand. He then opened it and held it in front of Caspar's face, saying, "Look at this carefully! Do you know what it is?"

When he looked at the marriage license, Caspar began to pull a long face.

He saw both Janet's and Daniel's names on it.

Janet rolled around in bed. Confused, Caspar took a glance at her and wondered why she didn't tell him that she had gotten married.

"From now on, stay away from her! Don't take advantage of her gratitude toward you. Don't get close to her! She's my wife now!" While he was uttering these words, Daniel almost clenched his teeth.

After he calmed himself down, he remembered that Sven and Jerry had told him that Jane was fine, and he believed them. He would personally check later to figure out what actually happened between Caspar and Janet.

If Caspar had sex with Janet, Daniel would definitely kill him. He wouldn't care if Casper had saved Janet before.

At this moment, Janet was lying on the bed, still feeling very uncomfortable. She didn't know what Daniel showed to Caspar. She was really curious about it, but she didn't have any strength to turn over.

Caspar adjusted his clothes and calmly said to Daniel, "From now on, keep her close to you. Otherwise, I'll take her away!"

After saying these words, he turned around and walked toward the door. Daniel was about to follow him, grab him, and beat him up. But Spark stopped him and asked, "Mr. Si, what's wrong with Miss Shao? Do I need to ask the doctor to come here?"

Daniel, holding a marriage license, took a look at Janet who seemed uncomfortable.

"Get out!"

Spark was startled by Daniel's words and looks, so he quickly left the ward without saying anything.

Daniel held Janet's chin. After she seeing Daniel's eyes, she said, "Daniel, come here..."

"Why did you want me here?" Daniel glared at her.

He wondered if he would have seen them having sex on the bed if he arrived a few minutes later.

His grip on her face tightened as he thought of it.

"Ouch! Daniel Si, I feel very uncomfortable... Please help me..."

When he heard her call him by his full name, Daniel was infuriated.

He then released her chin and threw the marriage license in front of her. He gritted his teeth and said, "Don't ever call me 'Daniel Si' again! Call me 'husband'!"


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