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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 338

Daniel was so happy that he almost had tears in his eyes after seeing the scene in front of him.

It turned out that he had two lovely baby daughters.

Janet had given birth to twin girls.

Lola didn't know that Janet had told Daniel the truth. She was still trying to hide it from her son, "Daniel, why don't you go out first? Knock on the door, and come in again. What you saw just now is not real..."

Hearing his mother's crazy words, Daniel was speechless. He carried one of the twins and walked out.

"Hey, Daniel, what are you doing?" asked Lola anxiously.

She was scared by his action.

Daniel ignored her and took his daughter to his own room, in which there was already a woman lying on the bed.

Lola looked carefully and found that it was Janet.

Lola became instantly happy. She saw her son put his daughter on the bed next to Janet and then walk out to carry the other one.

Harry had already taken Melissa outside of Daniel's door. Daniel then took his daughter from his father's arms and put Melissa on the bed, too.

Harry told Lola, "Let's go back to sleep." Harry realized that Janet must have told everything to Daniel.

That explained why Daniel suddenly wanted to have a video chat with them and then came back home immediately.

Lola was a little worried and said, "Daniel…"

Daniel hushed his mom with a gesture. Harry then led Lola back to their room.

As soon as his parents left, Daniel looked at his daughters and wife who were sleeping on the bed.

He went to the balcony and called Sven, "Sven, are we good friends?"

"What?" answered Sven. Sven was confused with Daniel's question. He wondered what was wrong with him.

"Do you think that my daughter is lovely?" asked Daniel.

"Of course!" said Sven, even more confused.

"How nice it would have been if I had twin daughters!" continued Daniel. He smoked a cigarette and looked up at the sky.

Sven was in silence. Daniel's sarcasm was so obvious.

Daniel was calling to confront him. "How did you know? Were you thrilled?" asked Sven.

"I'm through with you!" said Daniel coldly. Daniel puffed out a cloud of smoke. His heart was full of love when he thought of his two daughters.

He turned, leaned on the railing, and looked through the balcony glass door to the big bed in the room with his eyes full of joy.

Sven felt wronged and said, "Oh, come on, Daniel, this is your business. It was you who told me not to get involved."

"Keep an eye on Hobson. I'll question him tomorrow, " said Daniel. For tonight, he only wanted to cuddle with his wife and daughters.

"Ah? Oh. Okay…" He changed the topic so fast that Sven could hardly follow him.

Daniel hung up. Sven looked at the phone and helplessly smiled.

What an interesting couple!

In Mansion No. 8, Jerry had just taken his sleeping son out of Sally's arms and put him in the crib, When his cellphone began to vibrate. Seeing Daniel's name on the screen, he showed it to Sally, who saw his brother's name and nodded.

Jerry didn't answer the phone until he walked to the balcony, "Daniel."

"Jerry, Janet and Sally aside, I regard you as my best friend."

Jerry frowned. He wondered what was wrong with Daniel. "I know that. You're my best friend, too, " said Jerry.

"Am I really your best friend?" asked Daniel.

"Of course! What's the matter with you?"

"How many nieces do you have?" asked Daniel coldly.

Jerry smirked and said, "You know it already?"

He had always known that Daniel would find out sooner or later. If Janet hadn't told him, Jerry would have told him.

"I'm through with you! We're done!" Daniel was irritated and wanted to hang up the phone. He wondered why his friends all cheated him for Janet.


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