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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 341

Janet reluctantly got a piece of tissue and helped Daniel wipe his mouth.

Daniel touched her long hair and gently spoke, "Honey, I said I'll punish you, but I didn't mean to get you in trouble. Why do you get angry so easily? You have to get rid of your bad temper. Hm?"

"No! I won't change my temper!"

Janet hadn't worked off her anger yet, thinking that it was he who was so mean in the first place.

"Okay. You don't have to change it!" He just said it carelessly, but he didn't really want her to get rid of her short temper.

... When she looked at Daniel, Janet felt confused and wondered why he asked her to get rid of her bad temper and then took his words back.

"People always say that women are fickle, but I believe you are more fickle than women!" said Janet.

She leaned her head on his shoulder.

No one knew how upset he was when he was on the plane. Only Jane could make him restless!

After he had gotten out the plane, he learned from Sven and Jerry that they had arrived in time to stop Hobson from harming Janet. He was so relieved about the news that he really wanted to tightly hold Janet in his arms.

Meanwhile, he also wanted to chop Hobson into pieces and throw him into the mountains.

He also wanted to comfort Janet, but he got mad the moment he saw Caspar kiss Janet.

At that moment, he only wanted to teach Caspar a lesson.

He didn't talk to Janet anymore, letting her know how angry he was.

He then started to fiddle with her hand. After a couple of minutes, he spoke, "Jane, I have decided that from now on, no matter where I go, I will take you along."

"No. I have learned a lesson this time. From now on, I won't believe anyone so easily, so you don't have to stay by my side all the time!"

"I must keep you as close as possible, and it's the only way I can have some peace of mind."

Janet put her hand on her forehead and said, "Daniel, do you know how Sabina drugged me and Marcia and put us in a coma?"

She pondered about this for a long time, but she still didn't know how.

'Sabina hadn't touched me. Was the coffee drugged?' thought Janet.

But the coffee was poisonless.

Daniel gathered his thoughts and explained, "I've asked people to investigate this matter. They found two small nails on your and Marcia's chairs. The nails were inserted from under the chairs and poked a little bit on the upper area. The nails were stained with a drug that could put people in comas."

"Marcia's leg was punctured. But you hadn't touched the nail, so you weren't injured. But they put something similar to a pushpin on the back side of the door. Have you come across a pushpin?"

She thought for a while and nodded. She remembered that she felt a sting before passing out. She hadn't paid attention to it and thought that it was just because Sabina pressed her against the door with great strength.

It was undeniable that Sabina was so meticulous.

"Where is Sabina now? Why was she with Hobson?" Janet seemed to have heard Hobson and Sabina hug each other in Hobson's room yesterday, but she didn't hear clearly what they talked about. She just knew that they behaved in a sexual way.

"Sabina had escaped, and we are investigating why she was with Hobson."

But they had already found out that Sabina had hooked up with Hobson based on their check-in records in hotels.

Daniel was still investigating how Sabina knew Hobson and even colluded with him to harm Janet.

After they chatted in the study, Janet pulled Daniel out of the room and went downstairs with him.

The three children were playing happily downstairs. Sven smilingly looked at Nicole whose face remained expressionless.


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