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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 35

After Janet introduced herself, no one applauded.

She took a deep breath and knew this was all happening because of Daniel Si.

Everyone was hostile to her because all of those rumors.

Brian applauded first, followed by the instructors. Seeing Brian and the instructors applauding, the rest of the people started clapping their hands one by one.

Then Brian began to distribute 21 trainees to 7 instructors.

A male colleague, a female colleague and Janet were distributed to an instructor called Zed Lin.

All trainees stood in front of their own instructors and started familiarizing themselves with them for a while. Then, Bian demanded, "Everyone, tidy yourselves up. Gather here in five minutes and then start marching."

Janet returned to her tent, took her hat and then ran to the water source to wash her face.

She had no time to wash her face with a cleanser. After wiping, she applied the toner, cream and sunscreen.

When Janet was fitting her hat, she heard the whistle blow again.

She ran to the gathering place rapidly and saw that all seven instructors were wearing the same military uniforms. She was confused, because she had now forgotten which one was her own instructor...

"Janet Shao, what are you doing? Go back to your team quickly!" Her confused face looked lovely. Brian's powerful voice surprised everyone.

Everyone was surprised by Brian's good memory because he remembered a trainee's name after the first introduction.

After all the people went to their corresponding teams, Janet saw that Zed was staring at her. There were only two trainees behind him, and for a moment Janet was suddenly inspired and started running towards him.

When she passed him by, Janet carefully watched Zed. Zed was embarrassed to be stared at by a girl, and his swarthy face even blushed a bit. Janet then stood behind him after she memorized his face.

Brian saw that Janet kept pretty much to herself and wondered why.

She was bright and lively, but uncommunicative. Why didn't she join the others in conversation?

"The first activity starts now. Five kilometers of marching!"

After Brian's order, everyone cried woefully.

Although everyone already knew that they would be in for some rough time, they didn't expect to march five kilometers on the first day of their training.

Janet stared at Brian, who looked serious, and thought, 'Did I hear him right? Five kilometers?' Oh my god, she would certainly die from exhaustion!

Janet couldn't help but to step back and was just about to escape.

When she was just about to run away, Brian stopped her. "Janet Shao!" he yelled.

Everyone now stared at Janet with a doubtful look in their eyes.

Janet smiled in embarrassment and drew back her neck, "I..."

She didn't finish her words, but Brian knew immediately what she was going to do next.

Brian kept his hands behind his back and then got close to Zed, "Janet Shao, you fell out of line!"

Janet touched her right ear and now stood in front of everyone.

"We haven't even started marching yet and you already plan to escape. 20 push-ups as punishment!"


20 push-ups? Janet, now flabbergasted, looked at Brian, who had a dead-serious face, and wondered why this handsome soldier had now become as annoying as Daniel was.

"I refuse to do it. I have the right to choose!" Janet stubbornly looked at Brian.

Brian was on the verge of laughing when he saw Janet's face, but quickly held it back.

"Military orders are imperative. You have no right to refuse it!" answered Brian.

"I have personal liberty. This is not military training. This is devil training. We are employed by a financial company, not a military unit! I'm not a soldier!"


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