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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 350

Janet was touched by Daniel's words and held him tight. She then said, "Daniel, why are you so kind to me?"

She felt really happy at that moment.

Daniel kissed her red lips, and said, "Silly girl, I haven't done anything for you, but you still say that I'm kind. I'm complacent!"

He hadn't even proposed to her, held a wedding ceremony or given her a happy family yet...

"Do you think that I deserve you and your kindness?" She suddenly became very self-abased. All of things that Daniel owned definitely could make him proud of himself. But she was only supported by her rich family and kind family members. She even thought herself as being useless...

"Janet, you can say that I don't deserve you, but always remember that you deserve me! Don't think about it too much." It wasn't the first time that she had thought of this, and he had to correct her way of thinking again.

"Well... I can't cook... I can't wash clothes... No, I think that I can wash clothes now! I also can't..." She listed all of her shortcomings, and thought that she was pretty stupid!

After he listed her complaints about herself for four or five minutes, Daniel eventually just said, "It's alright if you can only satisfy me!"


Janet pinched his chest hard, and wondered why he always had to think of things like that!

Daniel immediately snorted, but he liked her when she was a little rude and unreasonable.


Annoyed, she said to him, "Call me by my name!"


"Call me 'Janet'!"


"I have to call Sven and ask him to come back here to check on your ears. Your seem to have a hearing problem!" After she uttered these words, she pretended to take her phone out.

Daniel pulled her hand back, and kissed her red lips, and then said, "My dear wife, I love you."

"..." Janet was stunned by his unexpected love confession.

Daniel took advantage of the opportunity and began to press on her body. He was just about to have sex with her on his hospital bed.

When Janet realized what was happening, it was already too late, because she had already been seduced by Daniel's charms.

The following morning

After Janet woke up, she heard Sven speaking in a low voice with Daniel about his injury.

When Daniel saw that Janet had opened her eyes, he cast a cold glance at Sven.

"I've tried to lower my voice as much as I could, " said Sven.

Janet then realized that she was covered with only a thin quilt, and that she was naked. She felt so embarrassed that she buried her face in it, and said, "Sven, get out first, please; I need to get up."

"What? It's so unfair. Why do you just ask me to get out when you get up, but instead of Daniel?"


Janet then grabbed the pillow near her head and threw it towards Sven.

Sven was surprised to see Janet's arm, and said, "Daniel, you're brutal! Jane's arm..."

He didn't get to finish his words, and without looking at Janet, Daniel knew what he was referring to.

"Get out!" Daniel then put his palm on Janet's head and smoothed her long hair.

"Daniel, how long did your uninjured arm support you last night? Tell me!" Sven naughtily approached Daniel, and threw the pillow back at him.

Daniel looked at him, and replied, "Do you really want to know?"


"Come over here and I'll tell you!"


Sven wasn't a fool. He knew that Daniel wouldn't tell him. He then picked up his medical chart and walked slowly towards the ward's door.

"You've driven my nurse away, and I feel very lonely now..." said Sven.


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