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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 357

"Jerry! Stop bothering me, and go back to your son." Janet popped her head out and asked Jerry to leave.

She was determined to learn how to cook the egg, so she could shove it into Jerry's mouth and shut him up!

"Okay, I'm going back. Such a shame... I won't have any breakfast today." Jerry shook his head and went upstairs.

When he went to the second floor, he shouted at Janet, "Jane, should I get everybody out of the house?"

He said so because he heard that his sister had almost set the kitchen on fire before.

Janet was irked. She shouted, "Jerry, you are an experienced and professional lawyer. Can you stop acting so young and immature?"

Jerry must have been spending too much time with Sven. He had gotten some of Sven's playful antics.

"Pfft! I don't need to be professional in front of you." With Felix's toys in his hand, Jerry went back to the room.

The nanny had just finished feeding Felix and was playing with him, while Sally was doing postnatal recovery exercises.

"Jerry, I heard Janet shouting loudly downstairs. What is she doing?"

Jerry didn't close the door when he went downstairs, so Sally heard the commotion.

"She is cooking breakfast. We'd better get ready to starve, " replied Jerry, who gave the toys to his son and took him from the nanny.

Hearing that, Sally curled her lips and said, "How can you be so mean to your sister?"

Starve? Even if Janet had cooked breakfast with poison, he would still eat it without hesitation!

Everyone knew how much Jerry cared about his sister!

Jerry said nothing and played with his son.

At 7:30 AM, the twins who were already dressed up, were about to knock on their daddy and mommy's room, but Ella hastily pulled them back and said, "Let's go play with your baby cousin!"

Jerry's bedroom door was opened, while Jane's bedroom was still closed.

"But, Grandma, I want to see Daddy and Mommy!" said Michelle, looking at Ella eagerly.

"They haven't gotten up, yet. Let's have them sleep some more, okay? Come-"

At that moment, the bedroom door opened. Neatly dressed, Daniel walked out from the room.

After seeing the three of them, Daniel smiled and said good morning to Ella.

"Oh, you're up! Jane is still sleeping, isn't she?" asked Ella.

Sally stuck her head out and told Ella, "Mom, Jane has been up since 6 AM. She's downstairs."

"What? What is she doing?" Ella could not believe her ears.

Daniel held both her daughters' hands and went downstairs. "Let's go and see!" said Daniel to his baby girls.

Janet's behavior this morning was indeed odd. He could not believe that she got up earlier than he did. He had to check out what she was doing.

On the first floor

Suddenly, a scream came from the kitchen. Daniel immediately let go of his daughters and rushed to where the sound came from.

He saw Samuel looking at his daughter in frustration.

"What happened? Jane?" Daniel lifted Janet's hand and asked.

"I was... burnt." Janet pointed at the steaming pot and showed the back of her hand, which had become red.

Daniel blew it for her and asked, "Why are you in the kitchen? How could you be so careless? Come, let's apply some medicine."

Then, Janet was pulled out of the kitchen by Daniel.

Samuel helplessly shook his head. She finally cooked the eggs, but with an injury. How careless his daughter was!

In the living room

The twins squeezed in front of their daddy and mommy and looked at their daddy apply medicine on their mommy's hand.

"Mommy, how come you got burnt? You must have been naughty." Melissa said as she blew the back of Janet's hand.

"No, I am not naughty. I am a very good girl! You two have to learn from me!" said Janet proudly. She had learned how to cook eggs.


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