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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 359

"We're not just having dinner, so we'll take them next time." said Daniel. Today, he had something important to do, so he couldn't take the twins with them.

Janet nodded her head and said, "Are we meeting someone?"


"Then, will we... go out to have fun?" In her mind, she thought that they would probably go to a karaoke place or a romantic park.

"Kind of!" replied Daniel.


Janet then stopped asking.

It was exactly 6:00 PM when the car pulled up. Since it was an autumn evening, it was already very dark outside.

Daniel carried her into his arms and got off the car.

"There is something scary in front of us. Close your eyes and hold me tight!" said Daniel.

"What?" Janet didn't doubt his words, so she immediately did as he said.

Seeing the woman with her eyes closed, Daniel smiled and said, "Good. Keep still, and do not open your eyes."

Janet stretched her arms around his neck, buried her face into his chest, and asked, "Daniel, is it a wild animal?"

Of course not!

"No, " answered Daniel.

"Is it... a ghost?"

Daniel could not help but laugh out loud and said, "No. Don't worry about it. I will tell you when to open your eyes."

After about five minutes, Daniel put Janet down and said, "Jane, you can now open your eyes!"

"Nothing scary now?" Janet was still scared. She was quite easily frightened. She couldn't even kill a cockroach.

"Nothing scary now!" Daniel told her affirmatively.

Janet opened her eyes slowly, but the light in front of her was a little too bright, so it took her a few seconds to adapt.

"Wow!" exclaimed Janet, with her eyes and mouth wide open. She couldn't believe the sight in front of her.

Under the bright light, there was a sea of pink roses swaying in the wind, surrounded by white and pink balloons floating in the air.

In such a beautiful scene, she also saw many familiar faces smiling at her - Sven, Bill, Nicole, Jerry, Selina and Shelly...

Just when she thought it couldn't get any better, Janet realized that she was standing on a red carpet. Beside her was a table filled with alcohol and a big, pink cake.

Suddenly, a thought came into her mind. Would Daniel propose to her here?

It couldn't be! The ring was not finished yet.


Daniel laughed but didn't answer her. He made a gesture to Spark standing not far away. Spark nodded and then turned around.

In a moment, a loud, rumbling sound was heard. It grew louder as it went closer. It came from a white model plane.

The plane flew toward her, with something hanging beneath it.

As it flew closer, Janet finally saw clearly a deep blue samite box hanging onto it.

Her heart was beating quickly...

Daniel took the samite box before the plane turned around and flew away. Suddenly, Daniel knelt in front of her with one knee, opened the box, and proposed, "Janet, will you marry me?"


Her heart and mind were filled with inexplicable delight.

There was a big diamond ring in the box. An array of small pink diamonds surrounded a larger white diamond placed at the center, all forming a crown. The ring which exhibited intricate workmanship. It was so beautiful and elegant!

"Say yes! Jane, don't just stand there!" Sven shouted at Janet.


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