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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 362

"Okay. I have a meeting. You can go to Mother and Father's house tonight to keep our children company. I will try to come home early." Daniel had a lot of things to deal with in the following days. He wanted to handle all his company's affairs as soon as possible.

"Okay. Bye!"

"Bye, honey!"


It was autumn now. Jane's Cake Shop was finally open for business.

Sven, Jerry, and Daniel were all at her shop. Apart from them, Caspar who had just started to do business in C Country, Bill, Brian, the current Senior Colonel, and his wife were also there.

Videos and pictures of these influential people who were at the shop went viral on the internet. At a long wooden table, Daniel gracefully put one of his hand into his pocket, while Sven casually sat on a chair. Jerry and Bill looked dashingly refined, while Brian was in his military uniform. Caspar looked more mature now, but still handsome.

They were all chatting over the different drinks in front of them.

Thousands of people squeezed into Jane's Cake Shop, which covered an area of just a several hundred square meters.

This time, they didn't stop anyone from taking photos. It was good for publicity. They just hired a lot of bodyguards to protect them if anything happened.

Janet was busy managing the shop. She wanted to make the desserts on her own, but since there were too many people here today, she needed to be up and about on the floor more than the kitchen.

Both Nicole and Ivanka were at the shop to serve drinks and take orders...

The influx of customers were simply too much. They needed to accomplish a lot of orders already, and the people still wouldn't stop coming in. Janet even had to ask several bodyguards to help her.

The bodyguards helping Janet were all young and handsome. They attracted even more ladies who went wild with joy. More and more people packed into the shop to be served.

It was only near noon. Janet walked up to Daniel and gave a loud sigh. She then picked up the cup in front of him and drank it up.

The customers in the shop were all surprised at what she just did. They began to talk about her. "Miss Shao used Mr. Si's cup!"

"Right! She must be a happy woman. Look at the diamond ring on her finger. It's so rare and big! It must be Mr. Si who gave her the ring!"

"Oh my God! Look! Mr. Si took out his handkerchief to help her wipe away her sweat!"


Even though there was a sign that asked people to keep quiet, everyone ignored it. They were just so... thrilled to see Daniel's affection for Janet.

Janet looked at all of the handsome men in front of her and finally realized why her shop was doing good.

She checked the time and announced to everyone, "Gentlemen, it's almost noon. Would you all like to have lunch together?"

Without raising his head, Sven asked, "Miss Shao, what will you be feeding us for lunch?" He leaned back on his chair, playing a mobile game.

Janet looked at Daniel and in a low voice asked, "What do you want to eat?"

She had barely finished saying these words when Bill protested, "Jane, please remember that we are the guests. You should ask us what we want to eat!"

Sven also argued, "That's right, Jane. You seem to care more about Daniel!"

With a red face, Janet pretended to look at Bill angrily and said, "Do you still want to have lunch?"

Bill lowered his head and said, "Yes, yes... Of course, I want to have lunch. I'll eat whatever you want to eat."

Sven kicked Bill and said, "How can you be on her side so quickly?"

Bill didn't think it was inappropriate for him to do that. He had been so used to pampering Jane, putting her above himself all the time.


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