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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 364

Nathalie thought that Janet was getting angry, so she continued, "Selina is known for flirting with men in school. Now, she even dares seduce Mr. Si! She just got out of Mr. Si's car now! Mrs. Si, you'd better teach her a lesson!"

Janet looked at Selina and asked, "Does this person always treat you this way?"

Nathalie was stunned by Janet's words and wondered whom she meant by 'this person'.

'Was she referring to Daniel Si?' thought Nathalie?

Selina nodded and replied, "We're schoolmates. I don't want to quarrel with them and usually ignore them. But don't worry. I'll get back at them if they go too far."

Just now, if Janet hadn't appeared, Selina would have definitely taught these two unreasonable women a lesson!

Janet put on a wide grin, looked at Nathalie, and said, "Hello, young lady!"

Nathalie immediately smiled and thought, 'Oh my God! It would be great if I made friends with Mrs. Si! My other schoolmates would be so jealous of me.'

"Hello, too, Mrs. Si!"

Janet gestured at Roma and said, "Drag them over there, and teach them a lesson!"

Roma nodded. While the two girls wondered what Janet meant by it, Roma quickly pulled them to a corner where no one could see them and began to punish them.

Selina took Janet's arm and said, "Jane, you're a public figure now. You don't have to do things like this for me. What if the media finds out?"

"Don't worry. Daniel will have my back."

Selina laughed and said, "Jane, since when did you learn to rely on Daniel's power and position?"

After pondering for a while, Janet realized what Selina had meant. She raised her eyebrows and pinched Selina's face. "You wicked girl! How dare you think of me like that?"

"Okay, Sis! I'm sorry. It's my fault!"

Janet smiled and said, "Good girl... Do these two girls always bully you like that?" Janet and Selina didn't know what Roma did to those two girls. They haven't heard any sound from them for a while now.

Selina replied, "No. Two days ago, I unintentionally pissed them off because I talked to a handsome boy in our school. But honestly, I had no idea what I did wrong."

Selina didn't even know who the guy was. But somehow, Nathalie started hating her since.

"Okay. If anyone ever bullies you again, let me know. Uncle Eason often goes abroad, so if anything happens to you, he can't rush back immediately." Luckily, Selina studied in a university not far away from Janet, so Janet could take care of her.

When she thought of those two girls' words, Janet really wanted to beat them to death.

'How could they say that Selina seduces Daniel?

These good-for-nothings only want drama, ' thought Janet.

"Okay... Oh yeah, Jane, why are you here?" Selina looked at her, confused.

Janet had almost forgotten. She smiled in embarrassment and explained, "I didn't know that Daniel and I were going to have a pre-nuptial photoshoot in two days, so I went straight to the studio where you and Daniel had the exclusive interview. However, when I got there, a studio staff told me that Daniel had already left with a woman.

The staff pointed at his car that was already driving away.

I asked Roma to follow his car, and so we did. Next thing I know, I'm here. And the woman the staff was referring to was you.

I didn't get out of the car, otherwise I would make a fool of myself.

When I was about to leave, I saw two girls who seemed to be bothering you. So I did get out of the car in the end..."

After Selina heard the whole story, she laughed. "Jane, no wonder Spark had a hunch that someone was tailing us when we were in the car."

Before Janet had the chance to say anything, Selina shouted, "Look!" She pointed at the car behind Janet.


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