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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 369

"I heard that there was a highly skilled craftsman living in the southern part of the city, who is a master in the art of making beddings. She even won prizes for her embroidery, and I will try to invite her to come here and teach you her secrets." Samuel had planned it all out. Jane was their precious daughter, and they would give her something special for her to remember them by, something that money couldn't ever buy.

"Okay. I will think about something else then, " said Ella.

"Dear, let's go to sleep now! It's late."

"Goodnight!" replied Ella to her husband, afterwards quickly falling asleep.

Samuel turned off the bedside lamp and held Ella in his arms.

Different from the peaceful evening in mansion No. 8, mansion No. 9 was in some sort of turmoil. The twins were extremely excited, and were happily playing with Daniel on the second floor of the house. It was already ten o'clock in the evening, and they still hadn't gone to bed yet.

When Janet saw that they were still awake and out of bed after her shower, she said, "Melissa, go to bed with your sister, now! Hurry!"

Melissa made a long face to Janet, who still had her hair wet, and said, "Mommy, I don't want to go to bed now. I want to play for a little while, just a little while, okay? Daddy?"

Daniel was about to have the babies go to bed, but when he saw Melissa's eager eyes, he swallowed his initial words, and instead replied, "Okay."

"Yeah! You are the best daddy ever! Give me a kiss, daddy!" said Melissa.

"I want a kiss too, daddy!" also said Michelle, who then stopped playing with her toys, and climbed in bed and held Daniel in her little arms.

Daniel gave each of his girls a kiss.

Janet felt speechless, and said, "Daniel, if they go to bed too late, they won't be able to get up early tomorrow morning!"

"Then let them sleep more, " said Daniel, indifferently, while continuing to play with the girls.

The twins jumped up and down, and screamed in bed happily, while Daniel smiled, and patiently looked at them.

At half past eleven, the two girls finally fell asleep in the bed.

Janet was also very sleepy, and she laid down beside the twins. Looking at the three people sleeping peacefully, Daniel smiled.

The following day, Janet and Daniel went to the wedding dress store together with the twins.

The appointment had been made for 8:00 A.M, but they didn't arrive there until 10:00 A.M., because they had to deal with the twins.

While Janet was trying on a wedding dress, the two little girls were excitedly playing in the store.

Several shopping guides had to closely follow them to prevent the two princesses from tripping or tumbling down...

Finally, when Janet was trying on a third wedding dress, she couldn't stand the naughty girls any more, and she interrupted their play time. While keeping a straight and stern face, she scolded them, and said, "This is not our home, and you should be well behaved! Go sit on the sofa!"

Melissa made a long face to her mommy, and wittily said, "Mommy, you should learn more from daddy. He always tells us that as long as we're happy, we should always have fun."


Janet gently pinched Melissa's cheek, and said, "Little girl, are you talking back to me? Come here, let me tell you something! Look, you two are too noisy here, and it's not right for the other people around."

Melissa was wearing pink hair accessories, and while looking at her mother with curious eyes, she replied, "But there is no one else here mommy..."

That was true. There were no other customers because the store had been completely booked by Daniel.

Daniel stood up from the sofa, and after he put his hands in his trouser's pockets, he walked towards Janet, and said, "Go and change into another wedding dress."


Although she didn't want to change dresses any more, she didn't want to disappoint Daniel either. She stood up, lifted the skirt, and pretended to be angry with the twins, warning them, "Don't run away! Stay with your daddy over there. If I hear you shouting again, I will spank each one of you!"


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