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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 372

But he would never beat his wife and daughters!

Shirley was almost out of breath, not because she had been kicked, but because she was deeply hurt by Daniel's words.

She then looked at Janet, who was standing behind Daniel in the doorway, and continued to stir things up. She said, "Daniel, did you forget about the night when you held me in your arms, and told me that you loved me, and that you won't be with Janet any longer?"

Having a weird feeling, Daniel turned around and saw Spark, who was hiding in the corner, and... his Jane, staring at him and Shirley.

Daniel was too distressed to deny what Shirley was saying. He had heard the door open when Shirley had kissed him. 'Jane must have seen the scene!' he thought. He went to Janet, and explained, "Jane, it wasn't like that..."

Janet shifted her eyes on Daniel. All of a sudden she held his waist, and said, "Daniel, I should have tied you to me. Why are there always flies following you wherever you go! Don't you feel disgusted?"


Although Daniel didn't know what Janet was trying to do, he held Janet in his arms, and with a hoarse voice, said, "Jane..."

Remembering the scene that she had just witnessed, Janet loosened Daniel, and while frowning, said, "Daniel, you're obsessed about cleanliness, aren't you? Take off your suit jacket."

"Okay!" approved Daniel, and immediately after he took off his suit jacket, he threw it to Spark, and said, "Burn it!"

Spark scooted out with Daniel's suit jacket in his arms, and walked back to his seat.

With a grave look on his face, he instructed one of the secretaries, "Don't allow anyone to go into the meeting room, or else..."

The secretary nodded with a knowing smile, "Yes, of course! Don't worry, Mr. Spark."

The secretary had seen Janet walk into the meeting room, but didn't know that Shirley was also there. She thought that Mr. Si and Mrs Si were enjoying their intimate moments...

In the meeting room

Janet rubbed Daniel's lips with her finger, and said, "Daniel, you were bitten by a fly here. Oh, it's so dirty!"

When she heard that, Shirley's face turned even more pale.

Daniel kissed Janet on her lips, and acting like there was none else in the room with them, said, "Jane, don't hate me."

Janet giggled, and replied, "Of course I won't! Our invitation cards are ready, aren't they? Shirley is our friend. We should definitely send her one!"

Daniel replied while affectionately looking at Janet, "Okay, whatever you say."

Janet chortled. She then took out her phone from one of her pockets, and said, "Daniel, let's go to your office. I'll show you the new bed that mother* just bought us!"

"You're so naughty! You should call her mommy from now on!" said Daniel, as he went to pick up his documents from the conference table.

He then hooked his arm around Janet's waist, and said, "When did mother buy it?"

"I don't know either, but I do know that the bed is really big!" said Janet, as she walked towards the doorway with Daniel.

Daniel whispered into Janet's ear. Janet giggled, "Daniel, you can be so shameless sometimes, hahaha..."

As she saw them walk out, Shirley desperately closed her eyes.

She had a vague hunch that from now on she was doomed!

In Daniel's office on the eighty-eighth floor

The moment Daniel closed the office door, Janet got rid of his arm and strode to sit on his executive chair.

She glared at the man standing at the door with arrogance.

Daniel took a deep breath to get himself mentally prepared, and he stepped towards Janet, and asked her, "Are we still looking at the new bed?"

Janet cast another quick glance at him, and replied, "New bed? How about buying a new bed for you and Shirley?"


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