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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 375

Shirley took off her sunglasses and hat and walked straight toward Janet. She opened her mouth and said, "Janet, I am leaving now. I will return to my hometown with my parents. "

Janet didn't say anything. She had expected things to end like this.

"I owe you an apology for everything that had happened between us. Janet, I am sorry!" With these words, she lowered her head.

"I know that it is hard for you to forgive me, and I don't expect you to. But I just hope that you can find it in your heart to put all these things behind us." If only they could go back... back to the time when they were still best friends...

"This might be the last time that we'll ever see each other. But Janet, I will always... remember you." She knew she had no right to say these words. But she wanted to come clean and be honest about how she really felt.

"As for Daniel, he... was crazy in love with you. Back then, he only married me because he wanted to find you. On our wedding day, he didn't even invite my parents... When you were fighting over the issue with Ivanka..." Shirley stopped and bit her lip in distress. She found it hard to spit it all out. She had done something so horrible that even she hated herself for it.

"He really cared about you. He dropped by my place everyday just to see how you were doing. Later on, he asked me to move to a new apartment and gave me a check, so I can take care of you. He simply didn't want you to suffer..."

Janet remained calm as she listened to her words. However, she felt her heart beat, her fists clenched.

Daniel was such a big fool. He should have explained this to her before!

"I was merely cooperating with him just for show. Trust me, his focus was you, and only you. We... never held hands, not to mention had sex. He never touched me. Moreover, if I ever used any of his stuff, he would throw them away..."

Shirley continued telling her a lot of things that she never heard about. From Shirley's point of view, Daniel really loved Janet to bits.

Finally, Shirley rubbed her swollen eyes and sobbed, "I am so sorry, Janet. He really loves you. Please cherish his love. I wish both of you all the best!"

Her sincere words touched Janet's heart. She watched her put on her shades and hat. Then, she stood up to leave the lounge.

Janet quickly called out, "Shirley!"

She turned around.

Janet's face was covered with tears. She angrily yelled at her, "Why did you hide all these from me? Why did you lie to me like that? Why didn't you tell me the truth? Why?"

She wondered how much she had misunderstood Daniel.

Tears ran down Shirley's cheeks as she apologized to Janet again, "I am so sorry, Janet. I was wrong!"

Janet remained silent. After a long pause, she looked her in the eyes and softly said, "When you had finally gotten over Daniel, we can go to America together, and... we can visit the campus that we spent four years together."

Shirley covered her mouth and nodded in tears.

"Janet..." She sobbed.

The four years they spent in college together was amazing. Janet did not hang out with the rich, spoiled girls. Instead, she befriended Shirley, a humble but nice girl who was not well-off.

At first, Shirley thought that Janet pitied her. But she found out how honest and sincere Janet was later on. Janet made friends with Shirley because she liked who she was. The two became the best of friends.

She fondly remembered during one mid-autumn festival... They sat by the river and had a nice long chat under the moon light...

The beautiful memories made her cry even harder. She couldn't help but dash toward Janet. She embraced her warmly, and the two cried on each other's shoulders.

Eventually, Shirley took off. Half an hour later, Janet was still somberly sitting alone in the store.

Feeling exhausted, she took out her phone and updated her status, "I am blessed to have such a good friend!"

She also attached Shirley's photo with it.

Daniel's eyebrows furrowed when he read her status. He turned to Spark and showed him the screen, looking all confused. Spark shook his head. He didn't know what was happening either.

Women were so unpredictable. Yesterday, Shirley was still trying to flirt with Daniel and today she and Janet... were friends again.

What was Janet thinking? Did she want to share Daniel with Shirley?

Spark hit himself on the forehead, trying to get rid of the crazy idea in his head.


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