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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 387

The only way for Alex Gong to regain the Tianye Men leadership was to murder Dillon Qiao and Caspar Qiao.

Daniel frowned, and wondered, 'Should we really go and visit Dillon?'

Then, after a second thought, he decided to visit him, so that he could return to his wife as soon as possible.

He promised Brian to do that, and said, "Okay."

On that night, Janet couldn't sleep well. At about two o'clock in the morning, she suddenly woke up, and sat up in her bed.

Scanning the spacious bedroom, Janet felt very uneasy. She felt frightened, and her heart kept beating fast, without any particular reason to do so.

She then turned on all the lights in the bedroom to make it brighter.

She put on a coat, walked to the balcony, and looked at the sea in the dark. A horrifying feeling arose in her heart.

'Daniel... Where are you? I miss you so much... Can you hear my cry?' she thought.

She went back to the bedroom and tried to dial Daniel's number again, but it was powered off.

Janet rolled to and fro in bed, and when it was about four o'clock, she knocked on Lola's bedroom door.

Harry opened it, and saw Janet standing outside, with a worried look on her face. He asked her, "Jane, what's wrong? Haven't you gone to sleep yet?"

Janet felt a little embarrassed to speak out her demand. She said, "Father, I'm sorry to wake you up, but I want to sleep with my children. Is that okay?"

"Were you awake for the whole night?" asked Harry.

"I, I felt kind of afraid..." Embarrassed again, Janet lowered her head. She felt awkward to be afraid to sleep alone at her age.

But Harry understood her, and said, "Come in, please!"

Janet followed him inside the bedroom. Lola was still sound asleep, and Janet carefully carried Michelle in her arms. Harry also carried Melissa, and silently brought her to Janet's bedroom.

"Thank you, father!" After putting down the child, Harry went back towards the door.

He waved at Janet, and turned off the brightest headlamp, and said, "Don't keep the bright light on while you sleep. It's not good for your eyes. Sleep tight now!"

"Okay, thank you, " said Janet.

The door was then closed behind him, and as she looked at her two sleeping daughters, Janet felt more relieved.

She lay down next to her daughters in bed, and looked at the other empty side. She really missed Daniel...

When morning came, Harry told Lola all about what had happened earlier. Lola meditated for a moment, and then called Sally. She asked Sally to come to their place and sleep with Janet for a while.

Janet understood why Sally had come there. She felt very moved by the gesture, and slept along with her.

But again, at about three o'clock in the morning, she suddenly woke up again. In her dream, she had seen her great grandmother holding her hands, and telling her, "Jane, my dear baby, please be happy..."

Sally woke up too, and in a haze, she sat up in the bed, and asked, "Jane, what's wrong?"

When she saw that Sally was awake, the absent look in Janet's eyes gradually became more and more focused, and she said, "Let's go back to the old house tomorrow! I want to visit grandfather, grandmother, and great grandmother as well!"

Sally didn't know why Janet suddenly wanted to go to the old house, but she still nodded, and said, "Okay!"

"Sally, please tell me more about your brother, " demanded Janet.

Sally smiled and was even more awake now. She said, "There's nothing interesting to talk about my brother. I was under the impression that he was living a boring life before he met you. Just work and work everyday... Now I think more about him, but I still think my brother is unfortunate in some ways..."

"Maybe it's because he inherited my father's character; ever since he was a teenager, he has constantly been working. Even though he had Sabina as his first girlfriend, he still kept busy everyday during those years."

Sally continued, "He was always busy and concerned about so many things, but it's astonishing that he still doesn't look old. Actually, if I think better about it, he looks much younger than those of his age."

Sally then suddenly asked Janet, "Don't you think that's incredible?"

Chapter 387 My Brother is Unfortunate in Some Ways 1

Chapter 387 My Brother is Unfortunate in Some Ways 2

Chapter 387 My Brother is Unfortunate in Some Ways 3


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