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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 53

"Daniel has a girlfriend, but Janet still falls in love with him and you also love Janet. Oh, I really can't understand what you young people are thinking about these days!" Charles Han sighed.

"Grandpa, don't worry; I know what to do and I won't force Janet to love me, but it will be the best for her to give up Daniel." Brian was willing to wait for her as long as she would forget about Daniel.

Charles nodded, "Your affair has become very public now. I have asked someone to delete all the news about it, and I saw that Janet also posted an appeal on the Internet for the press to stop it's harassment. From now on you have to be careful, and try not to get in any conflicts with Daniel."

They all knew why Brian had been demoted in his rank. If Daniel hadn't called Mr. Si, the general officer, Brian would not have been demoted.

He had Brian demoted to Major.

But frankly speaking, Brian could only blame himself for what had happened.

"I understand, grandfather." But Brian wasn't ready to admit his defeat so easily, and would not give up just yet.

"I'm guessing Daniel loves the Shao's daughter, judging from the fact that he went to lengths to speak with me and offend me." Charles's view on things was very reasonable, which struck Brian's heart.

"Anyway, I'll still fight for the woman I truly love." He didn't want to regret anything, and even if he would fail in his attempts, at least he knew he tried.

Charles nodded, "I will support you, I kind of like Janet too. You are composed and silent, while she is lively and extrovert. It's good to be complementary to one another in a relationship. Bill is not the right fit for Janet. Don't forget, I'm not doing this for you."

Bill had the same character as Janet's, he was lively and extrovert. But he was not composed. Charles thought that a boy must be composed.

Receiving his grandfather's support and blessing, Brian smiled and thanked him.

"OK, then. Now, how is Bill going nowadays?" He had managed to get Bill enlisted in the troops, and he had warned him that if he ever dared to let him down, he would break his legs.

Talking about his cousin Bill, Brian smiled, and said, "He was very rash in the beginning, but then that was maybe because that he got to know my feelings towards Janet. I think this brought pressure on him to compete with me in rank, and as lately he's been doing quite well."

Charles nodded with satisfaction, "Keep an eye on him, and tell him that if he ever becomes an upstanding and excellent man, he will have everything in the world and he'll even meet a better woman than Janet."

"OK, I'll tell him, grandpa."

"And go to visit your mother, she's always talking of you and Maggie these days." Maggie Han was Brian's younger sister studying abroad.

"OK, grandfather. I'll go now."

Brian left the house and then went in its back and entered another, where his mother lived in.

He found his mother asleep, and Brian just covered her with the quilt and then went away.

The following day, a journalist got to interview Charles Han, through some inner relations.

The journalist asked about his comments on the recent event, and Charles simply replied, "Both of them are not married yet, and it is absolutely no problem if luck will ever bring them together."

In other words, the Han family actually admitted the relationship between Janet and Brian.

Also, when Samuel got interviewed, he said, "It doesn't matter with whom my daughter will end up with, I just hope that in the end she'll be well and happy."

'Jane is always causing me trouble; doesn't she want to be together with Daniel? Why did she had to stir things up with Brian?' thought Samuel.

He had to ask his daughter.

After Charles Han and Samuel Shao's replies to the news reporters were posted online, Janet and Brian instantly became a famous couple over the Internet.

But, in reality, Janet felt helpless, and wondered why they had to arrange a boyfriend for her?

Janet considered Brian an elder brother.

But she also knew Brian's true feelings towards her, and she couldn't deny them all out in the open. Yes, she could tell him of her feelings in private, but she couldn't be so cruel as to refuse him on the Internet in front of millions of users.


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