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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 58

"And you are?" rudely asked Bill. He didn't really know who Kate really was because he had been isolated form the outside world in the military camp for all this time.

After she heard the question, Kate felt a little embarrassed, and said, "You'd better check on Janet first."

Uttering these words, she stood up from her chair and went to the back garden where Janet and Brian were still waiting.

And then a large group of people followed her.

In the garden, when it saw its owner, the Samoyed suddenly broke away from Brian's grasp and laid down next to Daniel, sticking out its tongue to him.

Brian helped Janet get back up on her feet and then tenderly smoothed her bangs which were a little tousled.

Kate walked up to Janet, and said, "So sorry for what happened, Janet. I thought Kelsen had been tied, and I sure didn't expect that he could attack you. Did you get injured in any way?"

But Janet didn't care a bit for the caring words she was saying.

"Please, take your dog away, throw it into the sea and let it drown, " said Bill furiously. He, being a young man coming from a wealthy family, had started to lose his temper again. Charles thought that Bill had gotten rid of his ill-advised bad temper, but he was even more disappointed in him when he saw how he was reacting.

Janet wiped the Samoyed's saliva with the back of her hand off her face, and coldly said, "Miss Song, if you own a dog, then why don't you look after it, and let it attack people? Do you think a simple apology can solve the problem and make it miraculously go away?"

Kate felt embarrassed again, thinking that Janet was indeed relentless with her this time.

"Both Daniel and I like Kelsen. What happened today was because he was untied, and I sincerely apologize to you for that, " said Kate.

She mentioned Daniel, believing that Janet couldn't dare be anymore rude to her if she brought up Daniel in the conversation.

However, she was wrong.

"And just because you and Daniel like it? Does that give it the right to attack other people? Miss Song, please send your beloved dog away from here, now, " said Janet.

She could forgive it once, but couldn't tolerate it for a second time. She also didn't understand why the dog always jumped her.

"No, Janet. I've already apologized to you, but why are you still blaming the dog?" Now, Kate also seemed to be furious, and spoke in an aggressive tone and manner.

Brian rolled up Janet's sleeve, exposed her elbow, and asked, "Can you see? Miss Song?" A large area of Janet's skin was grazed when the dog jumped her.

It was the same for the other elbow.

"Did you just ask me that I still insist on blaming the dog? Whatever, think whatever you like. Daniel spoiled both you and your dog, and you're afraid of him, but that doesn't mean that I have to! It has to be sent away from here, now!" With an obstinate expression glimmering in her eyes, she directly looked at the silent man standing in front of her next to Kate.

Several people gasped silently and wondered how could Janet be so confident in herself that she could resist Daniel so openly in public.

"No need to say any more. Please ask the guards to pull the dog away and beat it to death!" Bill looked at Janet's abraded skin feeling very distressed; she had been alright up until that moment.

Kate, who now got even more restless, hurried up to Daniel's side, and said, "Daniel..."

After that, Daniel firmly said, "I will be responsible for all of Janet's medical fees and mental anguish compensations. Please don't blame the dog any more."

While she heard this, Kate was again more joyful and felt relieved, thinking that Daniel still cared deeply about her and showed her the respect she deserved in front of so many people present.

Janet, when she heard what Daniel had just said, stared at him in disbelief, her face becoming paler and paler by the minute.

She shook Brian and Bill off, and walked alone. After she took a few steps, she found that her ankle was also hurt and that she was limping.

Standing in front of Daniel, she looked him in the eyes, and said, "Daniel Si, you must send the dog away! If you don't agree with me, then go find another dog, and let it attack Kate. If you do that, I'll let what happened to me pass!"

When she heard this, Kate got even more angry and hated Janet even more.

'Janet Shao, you're really overweening now and are borderline shameless. How dare you force me to send my dog away. I will not let you off so easily!' thought Kate.

"Janet Shao, I warn you..." spoke Daniel.

When she heard him utter the word "warn", Janet felt a sudden, sharp pain in her temples, and said, "Don't warn me! Except for that, what else could you do or say? Do you only listen to Kate Song, and just completely ignore my feelings? Do I really deserve to be bullied twice by a damned dog? Daniel Si, I know you're indifferent to all of this, but I never expected that you could be so heartless and unreasonable!"


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