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After marrying my boss (Anna) novel Chapter 580

Chapter 580 Slapping Janette On The Cheek

Holding my hand, my mother uttered with a sad face, “I know you must be hurting right now, but just try your best to calm down. I promise I’ll talk to her.”

I felt terrible when I noticed how troubled my mother seemed. Even though I would rather not get myself involved with Janette and her problems, I could not just sit by and do nothing after seeing my mother like that.

Then, I waited at my mother’s house until late at night before Janette came home. When I checked the time and realized that it was almost midnight, I was slightly irritated. Janette should know better than to stay out so late. And my goodness, she reeks of alcohol!

After having not seen Janette for a while, she had turned into a completely different person. Not only was she dressed scantily, but she also wore ridiculously heavy makeup. Because of the way she looked, one could be forgiven for thinking that she was a hooker instead of a proper lady.

Displeased with how debauched Janette seemed, I immediately stormed over to the woman. “Janette!”

When I got near, Janette stopped dead in her tracks, and her face suddenly hardened. “What are you doing so late at my home?”

For some reason, Janette sounded annoyed when I confronted her.

“I was waiting for you,” I answered coldly as I gazed into her eyes.

“Waiting for me? Why the heck would you be doing that? I’m exhausted right now, so the last thing I want is to talk to you.” Janette was as unfriendly as she had always been to me then. After brushing me off with those words, she turned around and was about to go upstairs.

“There’s something I have to talk to you about. It won’t take long. I’ll go as soon as I’m done talking.” I uttered quickly to stop Janette from walking away. At that point, I had gotten even more irritated since I did not understand why she always treated me, her own sister, as though I was nobody to her.

“I don’t want to talk to you because we have nothing worth talking about at all. Now, if there’s nothing else, please get out of my house immediately. You’re not welcome here.”

Janette, who would rather not look at her sister for even a second longer, went up the stairs after throwing those icy-cold words at me.

Initially, I wanted to talk with Janette in a calm and peaceful manner, but her attitude got my blood boiling with anger. I then caught up to my sister and grabbed her by the arm. “I don’t care what you want. You’re going to talk to me whether you like it or not!”

With that, I forcefully pulled her into her bedroom.

“What the heck do you think you’re doing, Anna!” Janette roared at me, upset that I imposed my will on her.

After closing the door behind me, I looked the woman in the eye and questioned sternly, “Are you ready to talk now?”

“I don’t know what you’re trying to do here, but if you have something to say, be out with it! I don’t have all night. I’m tired, and I want to sleep.”

Chapter 580 1

Chapter 580 2


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